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Everything posted by sinner

  1. hi guys wanna get a 2.5ftx16"x18" tank with 8mm thickness together with a internal overflow filter... anybody know where i can get hold of one?
  2. but i'm just gonna be using 2 tubes
  3. intending to keep my tank neat with just 2anemones
  4. eeh IMO hydrometer are a rough guide only not exactly accurate...
  5. hi guys i'm wondering if the following Lighting is good enough for a 2footer? is there other brands that are cheaper then this beside DIY? Cheeros
  6. hi Razo what kind of lights are you using? just the normal ballast and buy your own artinic? beside artinic what do you use? how many tubes? and how cool is your water with or without chiller/fan? Cheeros~
  7. thanks.. hope other bros can teach me more Cheeros~
  8. hi guys, seen you guys always mention about eballast... what exactly is it and what does it do? does it use tube or bulbs? if tube why cant just use the standard ones that is nicely fitted with a nice casing which is ready? Cheeros~
  9. it is all making sense!!! thanks AT!!!
  10. just to add i tried sourcing for the gloves on the net for 25mins already and thats why i posted the msg =)... all i found was those that only delivers in the United States, England and other coutries except Singapore sigh~ Cheeros~
  11. hi AT could you supply us with the URL you use to order? coz i'm sure there are other bros who wanna get a pair... (inculding me) Cheeros~
  12. keke lay flat on the ground loh can watch until sleep somemore!!! haha
  13. eeh if i dun add market prawn and leave the tank empty where would the ammonia be coming from? lets just say there's no die offs from the LR?
  14. hi air, decided not to use canister coz my tank is too low to the ground... afraid that the canister cannot cope with the "siphoning"... a hang on sounds good to me easier to maintain though the filteration "area" is not as wide as a canister... i guess i would still do for a 2 footer.... hope to hear some comments from Razo... and btw Razo how many l/h is your small power head? and your light seems to be purple?
  15. hi guys, i would like to know if the following steps are correct: 1. add sand for DSB then water after which i'll add salt. Question: would it be fine if i add the water then salt? 2. turn on air pump, filter etc etc... Question: should i turn on my protein skimmer? 3. after 1 day when the SG is fine adding of LR direct from LFS without curing... Question 1: should i add the LR now to cycle the tank? Question 2: i read a tread here something to mention about the die off from the LR helps cycle the tank can it be applied for a new tank? Question 3: should i purchase all the LR i need at once or should i buy bit by bit? 4. after 4-6weeks measure water chemistry... everything's fine... start adding LS one at a time? Question: correct? or wrong? guys i would really appreciate if you could aid me ... Cheeros~
  16. hi Razo just to check wats the dimension of your tank? 24x12x18? around how much did you take to setup this tank?
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