hi guys,
i would like to know if the following steps are correct:
1. add sand for DSB then water after which i'll add salt.
Question: would it be fine if i add the water then salt?
2. turn on air pump, filter etc etc...
Question: should i turn on my protein skimmer?
3. after 1 day when the SG is fine adding of LR direct from LFS without curing...
Question 1: should i add the LR now to cycle the tank?
Question 2: i read a tread here something to mention about the die off from the LR helps cycle the tank can it be applied for a new tank?
Question 3: should i purchase all the LR i need at once or should i buy bit by bit?
4. after 4-6weeks measure water chemistry... everything's fine... start adding LS one at a time?
Question: correct? or wrong?
guys i would really appreciate if you could aid me ...