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Everything posted by sinner

  1. but then the "cage" looks very very small leh
  2. ever had this ideal before but could't catch the sick fish and the cleaner!!! damm
  3. hahahahahhahahaha AT's smart guy!
  4. the way edwin shares he's crime prevention tips make him sound like a COP!!!!!
  5. i wan a big big house so i can have bigger setups
  6. i dunno how to upload image leh i have created something new for you to consider
  7. wah FLs? amazing~ u must have alot of them coz mine are neither dying or bleaching under my PLs anyway getting ATI this weekend!!!! woo hoo~
  8. still waiting for my T5s hope they'll last
  9. woo~ can tell me the seats? and it's part 1,2&3 rite?
  10. whao! a interesting site to learn from
  11. 3mths back i was a newbie till now i still am brought a bleached coral (hammer) and back then i though white ones look great! after much studies and reading in forum have been done i finally learned that it's actually BLEACHED!!!! arggg! help~ i wanna know if they will ever recover though it's opening up nicely in my tank now and is less transparant
  12. Sealife is the sole agent for kent marine... it's at balastia 'Regards Melvin
  13. pls post the one with IOS might be interested.. Regards!
  14. could you post it and would u sell them insted of exchanging for another species?
  15. ikea do sell solid planks downstairs perhaps you wanna diy made to measure
  16. 1-2secs when all equipment are off? or on? anyway i reckon it's off, the "remains of electricity" in tank have probably used u and escape into earth...
  17. just wanna ask the reason for selling and the dimension of the chiller coz i wanan see if it fits... and some specs like total wattage and stuffs would do us good... 'Regards
  18. look alike maybe lah coz plastic sugery mah if DNA same also it's a clone le!!!
  19. it's the pump dude... you try using a testpen dip into water with the pump on and off... it's especially so if you have some minor wounds or cut on your hand
  20. yep saw on CNA!!! he's CAUGHT!!! hurray!
  21. it's a cool piece of device... do you still have it?
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