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Everything posted by sinner

  1. ooh... wats the rating for $190? and where is PR? seems like a good deal can more bros and sis comment on this?
  2. dose... i dunno how to dose thats why i did't buy sigh~ or izit it gotta work with a calcium reactor?
  3. could you guys enlighten me on how i should dose this? i dun have a auto top off... and what good does it do?
  4. haha and that was wat the dealer told me exactly... worst thing is he even mentioned it could survive with one actinic FL... and after 2mths since brought some part of the coral "botak"!!!!
  5. hi can you pls let me know the name of this beautiful fish and where i can get them? and how much hehe thanks
  6. hi guys i'm not sure wat kind of pump i should use for my skimmer my current pump is dying soon haha "wear and tear" and i ought to change one. can somebody pls recommend? the rate of pump and where and how much i could get my hands on them will be appreciated 'thanks in advance Sinner
  7. whao din know they could be so fierce
  8. mine is using a 2012... not bad but i'll rather go for a bigger one you can never overskim
  9. reef lover thats a FL not a PL.... it's true that 3ft pl cannot be got of for less then 40 if it's using e-ballast... and 1 tube of pl cost about $20.... not to mention the casing can't be so cheap
  10. gosh he's a new reefer dun be so harsh bro i welcome you to the club! but still you violated hehe
  11. picture tells a thousand words! thats a neat product
  12. can show the specs of the chiller? and how often does it turn on and how long till it off for a 3ft?
  13. do you think it's deadly? some kind of parasites i rekon
  14. IMO i think that earthing the tank would be a better and easiler solution in terms of pocketfriendly hehe
  15. guys i brought this fish and i think half 1/4 of my jewel is botak already do you think it's the cause of it?
  16. nobody heard of this? then wats the black spotlets on my clown
  17. mine tend to retract when current are directly blowing at it thats why i removed my rotating powerhead
  18. hi guys, i've read up a number of treads that frequently ask "why do i get shocked when my hand is submerged into the tank?" i've done a search and here are the possibility: Stray voltage, even in small amounts, can cause a number of subtle or dramatic problems in an aquarium. *HLLD (Head and Lateral Line Erosion Disease) - Anecdotal evidence in aquariums as well as observations of fish in close proximity to hydroelectric dams have indicated that stray voltage could be a possible cause of HLLD in fish. *Sudden Death of Tank Inhabitants - Many aquarists have tested for voltage leaks in their tanks after experiencing a sudden and otherwise inexplicable loss of fish in their tanks and found that a faulty appliance used in conjunction with their tank was the cause. *Unusual Behavior of Tank Inhabitants - When continuos strange behavior such as a rapid and jerky swimming pattern or frequent quivering of tank inhabitants is observed, many aquarists have discovered that the cause was stray voltage. this is a simple way to test if there are any stray electricity in your aqurium: 1.Purchase or borrow a voltage meter. They can generally be found for less than $20 at most automotive parts or hardware store. 2.Turn the selector to "120 AC Voltage". 3.Insert the tip of the black probe into the third or "grounding" hole in an electrical outlet. 4.Insert the metal tip of the red probe into the tank water. 5.Watch the meter needle for any movement. Any needle movement indicates a voltage leak in your system. now to identify the cause of the voltage leak: as simple as it may seem one at a time, disconnect each electrical appliance (heaters, pumps, lights, chiller) associated with your tank, retesting for voltage as described above after each unit is disconnected. however in my expirence i find that powerheads are the most frequent cause of voltage leaks. now to solve the problem: IMO never try to repair the piece of equipment unless you are expirenced technician otherwise you could be making things worst . try to replace the faulty equipment and test for voltage leak once more in your aquarium. 'Cheers
  19. pls pm me the price on items 1, 2a & 2b thanks
  20. can somebody enlighten me? as above thanks and also there are black spot on my clowns not sure wat they are, they seem to be very happy and eating well always disturbing my jewel and made it their home. help is very much appriciated
  21. locally hard to find but in malaysia it's almost everywhere!!! nice to eat too
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