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Everything posted by sinner

  1. since we stay near we should go hunting these days wat say you
  2. dude i'm working cannot make it at that time leh... but anyway u dun have wat i wanted
  3. so do i!! i live near octopus bay wat corals you intending to let?
  4. hi guys any recommedations on where i should get corals? i need more to top of my tank
  5. yo yo yo bro calciumreef got a nice one... check it out http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6040
  6. yeah i saw this in action at the bay and boss told me it's atman... best of all it's very very affortable
  7. i dun mind but it's too far from my side guess i got to give it a miss
  8. oh yah the police academy parade hall can see ppl marching @ night
  9. whahaha how much you letting go? collection point?
  10. got got got!!! at ECP once i was fishing with my friend in the afternoon @ ECP... i was preparing the bait and my friend doing the equipment then while i was looking at the prawns i cut a dark figure went by in front of me!!! i was staring blindly (shocked) my friend asked me and i said notting... coz i'm a strong beliver lah... after that i consulted a "tang ki" go pray pray only then he asked me to go over to the altar and asked if i saw something while i was fishing... i've by then forgoten and simply said no... he then asked again sternly i thought carefully and then yup i rememebered... he said "you saw a black figure passed by you am i right?" i said yes.... now ghost can be seen not only in the night but the day also... and another thing is "tang ki" actually exist!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ another one would be @ punggol, it's actually a camp for secondary schools... i was there during secondary orientation camp and everythign went on smoonthly for the first day until on the second night i went to the toilet with my buddy... when we opened the door we saw a young girl in a male toilet... we thought it's the child of the staff there and did't thought much and continued the business as it's rather urgent when we were done the little girl was no where to be found but we heard a very very very creepy noise somewhat like a lady sobbing... wah piang we flew like nobody business back into the tent man... the next day we asked the canteen staff and nobody claim that they brougth their daughter along... creepy huh? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ok now during BMT in police academy... i was formally from 'A'coy and when ever we do fatigue we will always find long strends of hair which is very doubtful when all of us were botak... we did't care much for the first time till we keep finding the same hair... we ended up changing to 'B'coy this is where i expirence another toilet adventure... this time i'm alone urgently ran to the toilet located downstairs this time i'm wearing 5 pendants did my business and then the shower start running... wah piang thought to myself might be somebody bathing but then when i went to investigate nobody was there and that the tap is running(takes pressure to push to turn on). made my way out calmly and ran back to barrack.... also heard from my friend from 'C'coy (a place where they dispose corpse from WWII) during the night a headless lady would be seen standing beside the washing machine... and that one particular locker would be seen jumping from one end to another waking everybody up "toam toam toam it goes" next day everybody reported to OC Squad and he din't believe and slept in their barrack... the same case happened but then this time worst the next morning one of the lockers were overturned and when it was opened the clothes were still hung and strait... wat happened in the end i'm not sure... actually there's still some personal expirence but gotta work now
  11. hi dude can you let me know the size? and if possible a pix? might be interested
  12. wah if princess is still single and avb i think i'll be pestering her like mad
  13. thanks thanks thanks but where is reborn?
  14. or maybe fly to GBR pluck nice nice corals bring home convert into SPS since everything gonnna die might as well enjoy it in the comfort of your own home
  15. hi guys anybody know where i can get hold of this cool stuff?
  16. wahahahahahah i go find the girl i like most and spend the rest of the time in her room
  17. their range of skimmers looks really impressive!!! should be upgrading to the needle range soon!!!
  18. haha 2 of my clowns are hosting my jewel and it's like 1/4 bald alraedy!!!
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