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Everything posted by sinner

  1. wahhahaha that applies to me especially the electrical bills!!! wahhhahahha
  2. hi guys as above how much would you be using?
  3. ooh my PL is 3foot long sorry forgot to state... the 3*39w T5 cost $459
  4. 2*24w Pl 50/50 blue and white tubes... with eballast brought @ 78 willing to let go 50 used <=1mth reason for selling: upgraded to 3*39w T5 do PM me if you like to have the set... btw it's so new i still have the original box
  5. wahahah i'm cycling my 2nd batch of LR for 2nd tank 20kgs... inside a makeshift 2footer with skimmer and a make shift overhead filter with sponge, polyfilter, coral chips and the smell is not that bad can hardly smell unless you go too near
  6. sinner

    2ft ios

    bro how thick is the glass? 1.5ft = width or height?
  7. dude who is ryan? can pm his contact over?
  8. hi guys i need a 2nd set of T5 (3ft)... pls pm me if you have one for sale
  9. or any other fishfarms recommended beside lor harlus?
  10. hi guys planning to go down this monday but not sure if there'll be any open... any recommended shops?
  11. North-East: 1. ah^siao (Sengkang) 2. hghflyer (Sengkang) 3. Vinoth(SengKang) 4. onghm (Sengkang) 5. ASH (SengKang) 6. Tanggy (Senkang) 7. Hon (Punggol) 8. Starfish (Punggol) 9. Edwincis (Punggol) 10. Strongbad (Punggol) 11. planetg(Hougang) 12. jc85 (hougang/buangkok) 13. Dinosaur (Bukit Panjang) ----------------------------------- East:(Pasir Ris) 14. Vanan (Pasir Ris) 15. Orgasbt(Pasir Ris) 16. Bob (Pasir Ris) 17. Optimist (Pasir Ris) 18. drewy (pasir Ris) 19. Tubeworm (Pasir Ris) 20. FishnChips (Pasir Ris) 21. kschew1498 (Pasir Ris) 22. mun333 ( P. Ris ) 23. blu_surf (Pasir Ris) 24 Kouz (Pasir Ris) ----------------------------------------- East: (Tampines) 25. Firegobies (Tampines) 26. Bwilly (Sembawang/Tampines) 27. Garan (Tampines) 28. Harmony (Tampines) 29. Tango_Liverock (Tampines) 30. Rycin (Tampines) 31. stonefish(tampines) 32. Reeff (tampines) 33. Cedric (Tampines) 34. Garan (tampines) 35. Swordtail (Tampines) 36. Strat (Tampines) 51. espresso (Tampines) ----------------------------------- East: (Tanah Merah, Simei, Bedok, Chai Chee) 37. HolySpirit (Tanah Merah) 38. supremo (Simei) 39. spong3bob (Simei) 40. Hotsoup(Chai Chee) 41. Octopuffy (Bedok Reservoir Road) 42. Atreef (Bedok South) 43. [JS] (Bedok South) 44. Daniel-K ( Bedok South ) ------------------------------------- East: (Kembangan onwards) 44. PornStar (Eunos / Telok Kurau) 45. [P]owder Blue (Kallang) 46. Shinguuji (Marine Terrace) 47. ZiT (eAst coaSt) 48. Alentino (upper paya lebar) 49. ZeRoCoOl (Katong/ Eunos) 48. Jas Soh (Lavender) 49.betaFISH (Katong/Next to beach) 50. Blenny (Haig Road/3 min drive to the beach) 51. sinner (Dakota Cresent)
  12. i would't mind taking the risk... if you wan ultimate performance and thrill this is the price to pay... btw my fav car is a supra hmmm lets see who's knowlege of car here is good by naming all the cars shown
  13. any ideal how much HP and how much watts does it consume?
  14. when i need help nobody seems to bother but when others do sigh......
  15. hi guys i came home this evening and noticed that my LR are giving out sperm like whitish stuff (actually noticed sometime ago but din think much)... what causes it? and that my water has this fine partical floating... i do a 20% water change twice a month and dosing calcium, strongtium, iodin and reef builder twice a week... are they stressed or is this natural? my tank is 3foot with side overflow filter system together with 4"sand bed... appreciate replies
  16. or possible to have abigger pix or a link to how it works? i wanna measure my side
  17. hanging on tank or must be in sump? btw wat kind of skimmer izit? venturi?
  18. hmmm looks very intersting and might be intersted if it can be hung on the tank... otherwise coz no sump
  19. hmmm maybe you wanna post some pix of it in action and the price you are looking for?
  20. do they have T5? coz it's also considered as power compacts
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