but this makes me think twice about getting more expensive items when all these branded stuff are failing
might as well get cheaper equipment, use and throw away
have heard from a few guys that west side TDS is higher. From 80+ to even 100+
Especially so if your tank is in the office. Maybe industrial places water quality lower.
Carbon helps remove chlorine. Chlorine reduce the life of resin.
the water level in my skimmer will drop if the drain pipe is submerged.
think its because the water level in my skimmer is higher than the sump water level so syhponing happens
a good skimmer is indeed extremely important....however from my experience an ex skimmer doesn't mean its good.
I have seen a china 200+ skimmer out skim a 800+ aqua medic.
think it's because the cost that goes into the skimmer doesn't necessarily contribute to the performance of the skimmer.
but of course a cheap skimmer can't have quality materials being used.
think noise is hard to determind if its noisy or not. Maybe you can take a look at the running model to know the noise level.
the model you are looking at is only a 1000l/hr pump so you have to look at a similiar size skimmer.
Dnw-200 is a 3000l/hr pump, more power naturally more noise.
anwyay i am imagining that your room is small and quiet. do take note of your tanks overflow, it can be quite loud if not taken care of.
think skimz 150 ($600+) out of his budget
didn't see bubble magus when i was at the iwarna.
think Reef octopus is a better bet as it has been around for 4-5 years. The new range looks really good to0
8 tubes would be similiar to MH 250W. Your tank is slightly deep so placing at the top will be safer.
The color of tube is another important consideration. go for tubes that has higher par not just for the asthetics of the tank
Considering the cost the the tubes, a good ballast is a small price to pay for a long term investment.
Can get from Nature at Blk 1, Thomson Road, #01-340, Balestier Hill Shopping Centre, Singapore 300001. Contact Person: Mr Chan Tel: 6255 6051
Brand is SoLite but looks exactly the same