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  1. I wish to reserve your Pink Tip Long Tentacle Plate. Size?? Any picture? Is it in perfect condition??
  2. Hi, I do not mind used one but must be clean and in perfect working condition. If possible, show some picture.
  3. Please advice where can I buy a Brand New Beckett Skimmer. Prefer to be 24" or shorter so that it can be placed in my sump.
  4. So any suggestion on the number of hours require??
  5. Please advise me on how long do I have to on the light for my cheato? Have been running with 24hrs of lighting for the past 3 days. Is this necessary? (Waste of electricity!!) If not require, kindly advise on the hours that the cheato need.
  6. Feed only once a day (Controlling the feeding). Using Dymax Skimmer (Up to 800L)(Same as the one use in Aquarama 2007).
  7. How to rines the coral chips? They are all in the sump piece by piece..
  8. Miss out something: 3" Sand Bed in the Main Tank but no sand in the Sump. Used to have LPS but all cannot make it due to high PO4 and NO3. Left with Fishes, Mushrooms and Clams.
  9. So I will remove all my coral chips in my sump this weekend....??...... My setup will left with: 3FT Main tank with Fishes and LRs>> Mechanical filter, Bio-Balls- Sump: 1st compartment - Another Mechanical filter (No more Coral Chips)>> Center comartment - Chaetos only (No sand and No LR)>> Last compartment - FR, Skimmer, Chiller, UV, Return Pump to Main Tank. Will this type of setup for the sump enough???? Please advise..
  10. Ya, I know the purpose of coral chips are for bacteria to grow. But nitrate will also build there right? So you want nitrate or bacteria? If I remove all my coral chips in my sump, I will remove most of the nitrate but how about my bacteria>> BTW my NO3 and PO4 are very high. Trying very hard to bring them down.
  11. But why in the first place people setup their sump with coral chip???
  12. Is it a must to have a DSB for chaeto to grow?? And what's the purpose of this DSB??
  13. Can Chaetos go without DSB in the sump?? And what's the purpose of the DSB?? Lastly, why coral-chip have to be removed?? Currently, my Sump Tank: 1st compartment - Coral Chip Center comartment - Chaetos only (No sand and No LR) Last compartment - FR, Skimmer, Chiller, UV, Return Pump to Main Tank. Is my SetUp OK??
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