hi bro,
try to sms but to no avail. i had cfm some fishes and some sps with u when can i collected the earleir sps which were sold to me. when can i collect these outstanding items.pl sms me at 98282413
Can this dosing pump used to top up trace element such as strotium which does not disolve properly after left over a period of time in the container, etc. Do u you need any othe pump, etc
A orp controller is preferred. If the value is too high and if left unmonitor or controlled i.e if without a controller, it may cause harm to your live stock. Set the ORP to 400 or lesser.
I am using Aquapham medium for RM CR. Have this problem of bringing down the ph. It just stop at 6.6 and cant go any lower which should not be the case. How to bring the ph down?
Hi Bros,
I am not IT literate and need help. I cannot view the page number which is at the end of every page for every forum effective today. I may have press some button accidently and try many times without success. Please advise how to get it back to the system.
Thanks for your assistance.
I agree with law, the best thing is to change the tank and keep the cabinet. May not be worth to repair and no peace in mind after repair.
Lim Han Teck is a good tank manufacturer, suggest try him.
Good luck
Just curious, there will be water remaining in the containers after you stop the filtration. Will these stagnant water cause problem since it will stay there for quite a while?
Hi Reefers,
I am supposed to buy a Schuran denitrator from a reefer. I had call and sms several times but to no avail. Seems he back out??
Anyone wish to make an ofer, please sms me at 98282413.