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Everything posted by Seawater

  1. bro i hv both lps and sps in my tank may i check is the flame angel reef safe??

  2. Hi Thomas, pl reserve it for me i had pm u my mobile 98282413
  3. bro what yr best offee pl sms me 98282413
  4. tks bro actually i do not test my water pararmeter for a long time but my system hv a denitrator,calcium reactor and ozoniser with abt 30 over fishes mainly tangs and antiers
  5. hi guy like to share some photos with u the radio active on the left which i got a small flag from a nice reefer and it is fast grower after a few month
  6. i like the color of this sps and like to share with all of u
  7. Thanks Thomas, just sharing information if u observe carefully birdnest is slighly different from Cedric cause it is yellow, (sorry my picture not clear under blue light) and not green
  8. Hv not decide to sell yet would like to seek advcie is this sps in yellow color special?
  9. Bro i cfm acceptance to take both tangs and hv PM u TKs
  10. I m looking for nice sps flag pl smsm me 98282413 if u hv any to sell
  11. Bro interested pl call me at 98282413
  12. Interested but can't see clearly under blue lightpl sms me 98282413 for discussion
  13. interested in yr purple tang, pl sms at 98282413 for price
  14. Hi chtan and qchor, many thanks for your advice
  15. Hi Guy, I have installed a Schuan Denitrator for about 1.5 year and the color of the yellow balls and coral chips have turn grey and moldy color. Is this normal or I need to change the media? Look forward to your expert advice. thanks:
  16. Its one of the best skimmer around. Very easy to maintain and low consumption only 38W Happy user.
  17. interested in the blue tang, sailfin tang and the foxface, what are their sizes and how much? please sms me at 98282143
  18. Bro Interested in the orange shoulder tang, pl smsm 98282143
  19. Bro I confirm taking your yellow and purple tang. Shall consider the flame angel, if reef friendly. Shall pay you immediately pl call me 98282413
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