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Everything posted by kwkeet

  1. I am using skimz FR [ I think not a proper FR]. Using NP pellets also it is tumbling up and down and mostly floating on top and cluster together.The FR is about one feet tall.Exit hose is direct to skimmer before going to return pump.
  2. Hi bro, first time I using bio pellets in a fluid reactor with a pump rating 2000 litre/hr. Anyone expert in bio pellet can help? 1] Why the pellets cluster together? 2] Is the pump too strong? 3] A lot of mirco bubbles now in display tank?
  3. U can go C328 to get Mysis.
  4. Hi bro, anyone know where or which LFS got stock?
  5. Hi bro, C328 is located at clementi ave 2 blk 328. Contact no is 67778468. And polyart is at the same block further down.
  6. For 1 tube of ATI blue plus and 1 tube of ATI aquaspecial 39W. please PM me for those interested.
  7. Hi bro, Saw your sea fan open up very nicely, how do you maintain it? Got any special requirment? What type of light are you using?
  8. I got a 6 line wrasse but it didnt eat flatworm . Anyway thanks for all the bros advise, will try to use flat worm exit.
  9. Any recommened livestock? As my mushroom spreading everywhere it diffcult to take them out.
  10. Hi bros, my red mushroom got a lot of flatworm. How to remove them? Any medication? Try to suck them with a springe but they come back again.
  11. Hi bro, i`m using SM121 so far so good low noise low watt(12volt). Only that it quite sentsitive on the water level.
  12. It is harmful to coral and fishes. cos it happen to found inside my tank for quite long already.
  13. Just bought a Sm121 skimz skimmer at $285. So far one day got skimate already.
  14. reborn got 2 small regal angel 1 inch in size. a lot of japanese sun coral.
  15. maybe your snail is spawning. I have exiperiment in my tank before. saw my snail giving out `smoke`and cloud the whloe tank.
  16. farmart still got marine LSH? below one or the one inside farmart?
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