cant really compare..As I am planing decom current tank and pending to redo tank. currently MH + lights and some pumps removed. left minimum lights. also add many link tank.. total volume can be as big as 5-6ft and my temperature set to 28.5C. The kick in like more than an hour almost didn't notice compare to previously with MH and many lights.. In short. depend power sources introduced to your setup.. Cheers
I only familiar with Marine Magic and Grotech. You can program independent dose time and dosing duration. Therefore, you can clearly segregate them to avoid above scenario. Cheers
This is Black Ocellaris Clownfish with nice hair band
Yup, this is my QT tank.. normally new fish will stay there for at least 4 month before transfer..
Cheers and Happy Reefing...
Try dose ca/mg apart from kh longer period. you may dose ca/mg together at daytime and kh during night. You can dose calcium & magnesium together.
What happen when Sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride meet. you may resulted introducing Sodium chloride, Carbon dioxide and Calcium carbonate.. poorer solubility characteristic unless acidic water..
Cheers and Happy Reefing..