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Everything posted by CFOh

  1. Try my luck again on this one..... 1)51
  2. Black Sea Nettle (Chrysaora achlyos) Can't find my pics, below is how it looks like...
  3. Most likely normal trauma doesn't looks like HLLE to me.. Probably do a search on HLLE to match the signature. Cheers..
  4. Bro.. Upz again.... 1)45 2)26
  5. Lonely Location: Red Sea Description: Outcast Equipment: Canon 50D with 10-17mm in Hugyfot housing with dual Z240s
  6. An octopus and nothing more Location: GRECE Description: A waltz in eight time in height desert Equipment: CANON G11
  7. Lonely Location: Esperance, Southern Western Australia Description: Lonely Equipment: Canon S95 in Ikelite housing, UWL-04 and INON S2000
  8. ORA Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish coming soon... :thumbsup:
  9. Red Sea Reef Care -- Coral Coloration Program (episode 5/5)
  10. Red Sea Reef Care - Coral Nutrition Program (episode 4/5)
  11. Red Sea Reef Care - Algae Management Program (episode 3/5)
  12. Red Sea Reef Care - Reef Foundation Program (episode 2/5)
  13. Red Sea Reef Care - Introduction (episode 1/5)
  14. Sorry to hear that.... Looks like a bit late... the clowns looks very week.... try separate all infected fish from others. They spread fast. The best seek LFS help for treatment since we do not have proper QT setup... Stop adding stock as bro Orsony mention. BTW, any new stock introduce recently, tank revamp or maintenance? For disease identification: Check White Spots accompanied by skin irritation, increased mucus formation and cloudy eyes Cryptocaryon irritans (Marine Ich) http://www.breedersregistry.org/Reprints/SeaScope/v11_sumr/crypto.htm Check any Turbidity on skin or scale loss Brooklynella http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=16+2160&aid=2420 Cheers..
  15. May be contact AVA to find up more... Cheers... http://www.ava.gov.sg/AnimalsPetSector/CITESEndangeredSpecies/ http://www.ava.gov.sg/NR/rdonlyres/1ED3D89F-2AF7-496E-BBFA-EB16CAE9B95C/20152/FACTSHEETIMPORTdoc.pdf Below extracted from above link... Keeping of illegal wildlife Singapore does not allow the keeping of exotic pets such as reptiles, amphibians and primates as pets for the following reasons: They may introduce and spread diseases to humans and domestic animals. Collection of wild animals for trading will lead to ecosystem imbalance and threaten the survival of endangered species. The welfare of the animals may be compromised due to reasons such as unsuitable living conditions, poor diet and pet owner's lack of knowledge of the proper care for the animal. Singapore's biodiversity would be greatly affected if such exotic pets were released in the wild, as most of them are non-native. If the animal escapes, it may cause nuisance, fear and trauma to the general public. Some examples of exotic pets include star tortoises, iguanas, tarantulas, scorpions, snakes, salamanders, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, slow lorises, gibbons etc.
  16. Bro.. Upz for you and nice Zoas.... 1)39 2)26
  17. 各有千秋 lah.... We have many farm's here..... different type of experience...
  18. Nice fish.. good idea on burrower.. Thanks for sharing....
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