includes sump,
resun wavemaker..3 months only bought at about 100+ forgot exact price
h&s skimmer 6 months. bought at 750
eheim return pump. bought last month. about 200+ forgot exact price
jebo 4ft t5. about a year old. 54 watts. 4 bulbs
dymax 4 ft t5 light . 2 bulbs 24 watts
some live rocks maybe 50 kg. really not sure
one fluidized reactor with pump. 5 months old, bought about 200 plus
and some fishes.. koran, blue tang,brown tang, yellow chocolate tang, young yellow mask angel ,lipstick naso, and unicorn naso tang. selling as a set for 1200....
Reason for selling is because need the money urgently . tank is about 2 years old. bought recently from another reefer. very good condition... sand not included . keeping for a 3 feet tank. if interested.. call or message me.. Mark at 98283538