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  1. That could be an algae-eating type of nudibranch. Can't really be sure until you see what it eats. May I ask how come you're using air stone in your tank?
  2. Mellow, if you have Microsoft Office, then you would have Microsoft Photo Editor too as it is part of the suite. You can use it to do resizing and other basic editing stuff. Don't need to "borrow" PhotoShop. Hope this helps.
  3. Maybe they are the spots that fell off the puffer? But seriously, could it be some kind of filter media that broke out from your filter?
  4. Which model? The lively ones in your avatar? ... juz kiddin ...
  5. I've always wondered ... how do they keep the water conditions stable (eg. SG, pH, etc) in that outdoor pond? Wouldn't the salinity be badly affected when it rains?
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