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Everything posted by jyoon

  1. Paying slightly higher for a stable fish at times is worth it. Tansh, ups for you.
  2. Where is Ng Couple? Address please? Guess I have left the forum for too long
  3. Clementi 328 (PolyArt) operates 24/7 so you can pop in anytime.
  4. Looking for Sunburst Anthias and Chalk Bass. Anyone notice they are available in any LFS?
  5. There are still plenty when I when on Saturday. Safest bet is to call up auntie before heading down.
  6. Sealife's carribean shipment arrived. King angles - s,m,l close to 50 pcs Queen angels Rock beauty small Blue angel Blue chromis Yellow head jaw Others
  7. Hi bro I go LCK quite often. Do you have exact address? Hard to find if just near LCK 201. Any unit no. Will helps. Thanks in advance.
  8. Try the auntie shop infront of ah beng in farm way 2. Saw 2pieces of orange sun coral which are healthy (IMO).
  9. Anyone know which LFS selling this? Notice former they do sell in pet mart and reef depot. Any one recently see this? Or is there any review on this product? Trying to keep seahorse and think this might worth a try. Thanks in advance.
  10. I might have see it wrongly. Thought they are green cloves instead of golden.
  11. Forget the link http://reefbuilders.com/2009/11/12/brine-shrimp-hatchery-hobby-separates-egg-shells-moving-parts/
  12. Hi All Anyone see this product in SG LFS? Anyone has any feedback on whether this works well? Read a couple of forum and seem to quite successfull with this hatchery system. No power, no moving parts.....just the way serve lazy me.
  13. Any one found Berghia Nudibranches in LFS? Been a long time not seeing this.
  14. Just make sure we are on the same page. Is the attached what you looking for?
  15. No need to buy. Doubt I could finish what I have. If you need half the bottle, you can have it for free. Do you have a container? Else I do have Kent Marine container to spare too :-) I stay in the west and work in town.
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