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Everything posted by jyoon

  1. Hi Bro Your pump is 110 volts and the buyer will need to have a transformer to run it. Does it come with the trasnformer converting 220V to 110V? BTW are you located in Singapore?
  2. Upz for a nice reefer. All the best for you zoas tank in near future. I will do my best to keep your fishes and make sure they have a nice home.
  3. According to specs, its reef safe with exception are starfish, sea urchin, sharks and rays. You have to read carefully when dosing. Maybe other senior will have better Med to flight ich.
  4. Just my 2 cents. I use Kent Marine RXP and it works for me every time so far. You may wish to check it out before purchase. Remember to off your skimmer at least an hour after dose. Its on the instruction as well.
  5. I like you reply. Good advice to starters. Hi Takumee Bro Patience is the name of the game. I am also cycling my quarantine tank that newly setup 1 week ago. All the best to reefing.
  6. There are other brands in US that uses the cone shape body on their skimmer. This been in the market at least 2 years except now it become popular. Skimz do have a design based on cone body format. Some believe that bubbles climb better as the upper part is narrower.
  7. Welcome Bro. Next time I go California, I will look for you.
  8. Hi Bro If you connect the RedSea Primz accrodingly, the overflow of the collection cup can flow back to the intake of the skimmer. This would means it will never be overflow. Unless your water intake control is set to the max and the media compartment is choke. However, have said that, you should tune the skimmer to skim correctly. Having overflow backwards means your skimate is too wet OR you are lazy in maintenance. I run Red Sea Primz Pro on my 2 ft (24 G) and 1 ft (12 G) quarantine and they both works fine. However your tank is 48 G, it may not be good enough if you intend to heavy stock. You may wish to explore Deltec MCE 500 or MCE 600. I am currently setting up my 40G quarantine tank and running a MCE 600. Hope this help. All the best.
  9. If you stay in the west, then clementi 328 PolyArt and Auntie shop sells too.
  10. Thanks Finbir bro. In another word , this producst sucks? Anyone else have experience on the RedSea Wavemaker?
  11. Thanks [V]tec and Solo77 bro. I am now exploring of using hydor K series pump for my RedSea Wave maker. Heard it works too. No need to buy separate magnet and pumps. Sorry for the trouble. Consider this thread closed.
  12. HI All Bro and Sis Wonder anyone out there use RedSea Wave Maker Pro in conjunction with circulating pumps? Any feedback on this wavemaker? Also what pumps can be used for this wavemaker? Heard Maxijets work best and also found some other forums state can use Hydor K1, K2...etc. Appreciate your feedback and comments be it good or not so good. Thanks in advance.
  13. Thanks Bro If anyone do not wish to DIY can buy off the shelve in RD. Remember should be S$19.00. No need 3 pin plug, just wire up your existing equipment plug using the earth pin.
  14. Hi All Bro and Sis Anyone have Sure Grip Magnet for Maxijets and Maxijets pump to sell? Wish to use for RedSea Wave Maker.
  15. Ehiem 1060 been EOL and thus cannot purchase new from shop. Anyone has a fault 1060 and has a working impeller. Let me know the price and where to collect. If you know a shop that sell this new, let me know as well.
  16. My lettuce dont last more then 10 mins in my tank. I feed them "palm" size Romania Lettuce and my tangs and Angels seem to love it.
  17. Wow...still have things to sell Bro.
  18. That's BS. You will add more fishes in no time.
  19. Hi Bro You need a skimmer or just the needle wheel of the aquabee pump?
  20. Hi Bro If you decide to do separate sales on your Ehiem 1060, do let me know. Also what will be the price.
  21. Hi Pauline Anthonykoh did post in the previous thread that it does not come with overflow. He is using canister. Hi Anthonykoh Bro Upz for you. Nice tank and wonderful price.
  22. This will cost between 6 - 20 dollars depend on brand. You can get from beach road fishing shops.
  23. If I am not wrong, Macro300 is a in-sump skimmer and thus cannot use gravity feed. Only out-sump skimmer allow this option.
  24. Hi Bro I use gravity feed for my Deltec APH525 and it work perfectly for me. Save 1 feeder pump, reduce heat load from having feeder pump and save money too....he he. Upz for the skimmer sales.
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