Hi Bro
If you connect the RedSea Primz accrodingly, the overflow of the collection cup can flow back to the intake of the skimmer. This would means it will never be overflow. Unless your water intake control is set to the max and the media compartment is choke.
However, have said that, you should tune the skimmer to skim correctly. Having overflow backwards means your skimate is too wet OR you are lazy in maintenance.
I run Red Sea Primz Pro on my 2 ft (24 G) and 1 ft (12 G) quarantine and they both works fine. However your tank is 48 G, it may not be good enough if you intend to heavy stock. You may wish to explore Deltec MCE 500 or MCE 600. I am currently setting up my 40G quarantine tank and running a MCE 600.
Hope this help. All the best.