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Everything posted by jyoon

  1. upz for you. Coral Beauty or midnight should be <1 red note. The price you state can get lots of different dwarg angels.
  2. Upz for you. welcome a new member in SRC having a IQ3 tank to sell.
  3. upz for today. I reserve the right on whom to sell to.
  4. Hi Bro You can try Ah Beng in Farmway2. Saw a 2215 and a 2217 selling 2nd hand. Prices are good too .
  5. Hi All Bro Its a pain to have to let go my 5" Sohal tang. This fish been with me for the past 9 months. As all of you should know that Sohal is aggresive and thus during my purchase, decided that this is my last fish. Brought this fish when it is only 2.5" and now after 9 months the size is double. Buyer please note that Sohal is aggressive. Do not buy on impluse. It eats almost everything you feed it. I feed it with pallets (6 diff kinds), frozen mysis, frozen brine shrimps, seaweed and once a week romania lettuce. Decided to let go at S$120. Due with PM please. Collection can be done on coming Sunday. Caught it and do not want to stress it too much.
  6. Hi Bro http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=80789 Another bro selling the H&S, you might want to check it out.
  7. HI Bro 4 tangs in a 2ft tang can be challenging. Besides yellow and blue (regal) tangs grow fast. Very soon it will out grow your tank size. As for box fish, keep with care as they can release toxic when threaten or stress.
  8. Hi Bro Thanks for sharing. Will try out.
  9. Hi Bro Is this from RD? Age of this skimmer? Thought of upgrade mine which is a APH525.
  10. This is one of the difficuit Angel to keep as they don't survive long in home aquarium. Besides they are shy and thus must be the first fish to introduce if you want to keep one. Think if manage to keep for > 3 years is an acheivement. Choose one that feed before buying and you will win half the battle. It is also my favourite fish however have not try keeping one yet.
  11. Hi Bro Coral Beauty might be possible as midnight is normally shy and thus shuold be 1st dwarf in your tank. You may notice that I have 7 dwarf angels and they are introduce in this sequence: Bi-Color pair - 2 years old Midnight - 1 yr 9 mths Coral Beauty and pyypmy - 1 year 6 mths (introduce togather) Flame Angel - 1 yr Argi Angel - 9 mths (last in my list) Hope this help.
  12. Hi Bro For clown fishes, the bigger one is the female which will be the dominant of the group. In the wild, normally in a group of clowns, the dominant one is the female. Then the second dominant will be the mating male. The rest of them in that group will remain un-sex till either the dominant female or the dominant male die. If the dominant female die, then the dominant male becomes female and the next dominant un-sex clowns in that gorup will become male. If the dominant male die, then the next dominant un-sex clowns in that gorup will become male. As you already have a female 2" in your current tank, to make a pair can be quite tough though not impossible. I would suggest you should pair a new pair rather then to find a mate for your current clown. Just my 2 cents. Hope this help.
  13. Hi Bro 2 weeks setup? Does it mean you already have a couple of corals in the tank? THose could be nudi which normally comes with the coral you pruchased. They are harmful to corals not fishes.
  14. Hi Bro For Royal Gramma you mean? Or Royal Dottyback? LCK carries Royal Gramma quite often and you can get a pair from them. I got mine from LCK recently.
  15. Hi Bro Garald31 Its a challenge to keep Angels in Reef tanks. Nice GoldFlake and Regal angel.
  16. Hi Bro That's why planning is important before setting up. Planning include: 1. What you intend to keep. 2. How big will be you tank you need and what equipment you intend to invest on. 3. Should I run the pump external or internal? ...etc too many to list. If you are keeping fishes only, then 28-30 degrees should be fine since you do intend to use a chiller. I run 2 return pump external and that eliminate heat from the pump. Ehiem pumps are very good if you need height. Else you can consider changing to AquaBee Pump which use less power. Not sure what skimmer pump you are using on your Resun skimmer. Deltec does produce skimmer with AquaBee pump as low as 7 - 10 watts. If budget is not an issue, changing to Deltec might help to reduce the temp, as well as a better skimmer for your tank. Happy reefing......
  17. Hi Bro There are many reefers in this forum very helpful. If you could list down the tank size and current live stocks you have in it, it will be easier for others to advice. A picture will definite speaks a thousand words. Here's my 2 cents: Get ready salt-water for water change (20 - 30%). Of cos it depends on what live stocks you have currently Try to identify the root of the cause if possible. Like due to adding new live stock...etc.
  18. "Everything happens for a reason"....ha ha .....is this from a movie? Keep us posted on this skimmer review. You can PM me the price for this skimmer?
  19. Hi Lostboy Bro Are you having a CR aquarium with back over flow system? If yes, you might need to check also the length for the Hang-on skimmer you intend to use. I have a 3ft CR aquarium and remove 1 back glass plate to accomodate my Deltec MCE 600. I have also added a DIY algea scrubber to help me control algea and PO4. Happy reefing.
  20. I doubt common clowns are caught wild. They are normally aquarium breed.
  21. I brought 20 before. Day 1 , 50% gone and by the 3rd day, all up lorry.
  22. SoundTech has a timer selling for only S$8 in NTUC and Giant. I been using it and its good.
  23. Hi All Eheim 2227 reserved viewing next week. Tank taken by same reefer. Left the 2 RedSea Skimmer . Upz.
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