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Everything posted by jyoon

  1. Hi Bro What is the thickness of your tank? You may be able to use divider brackets to mount the Eheim feeder which I did it before. These brackets can be purchase in most of the freshwater fish shop. It is supposed to be used to place divider for partition tank. I may able to post a pic over the weekend for you. If your tank thickness is < 8 mm then this divider brackets will work, else mod is required. Anyway, upz for your sales. I have used 2 Eheim feeder for more then 12 years and 1 of themis still working in my current tank. The other is faulty last year which already worlth every single cent I spent on it.
  2. Upz for you Bro Solo77 The Tunze osmolator is definite a nice equipment to have.
  3. Hi Bro Can you post a picture of the cabinet internal and the sump tank? Looking up for a friend of mine whom may be keen.
  4. Hi zaiqiu bro Did you try Henry's food (from West Coast Hong Leong Garden)? So far I have 100% success when my newly brought Angels does not feed. Fishes that does not feed will have a couple of possibilities (my 2 cents): 1. Stress (try to not turn on the light for at least a day) 2. Poison when caught in the wild. Hope this help.
  5. Thanks Bro Is yuor aluminium sheet use as heat sink? What is the wattage per LED you used? I am also thinking of DIY a LED set too.
  6. Hi Bro Thanks for sharing with all the reefers. Indeed, you DIY skill is like a pro.
  7. Hi Bro Of cos Paul@sg recommendation will be the best choice as it starts from scratch. This will resolve once and for all. Else it may be a "time-bomb". BTW notice your joint has a lump a silicon. Does it come with the tank or you did some DIY job there? Alternatively, if you really do not wish to stop you sump, use the under-water silicon. AM does sell this silicon which you can use even it is wet. Hope this help.
  8. Hi All A reefer come by to collect by Tunze 6060 and think that there is a crack. Thus I would like to post a pic to calrify as attached. Pic 2 , guess all Tunze 6060 should has a hole shown. Its located on the top left corner. Pic 1, back of the pump should has 2 small holes. Guess this might be for water to enter into the pump. This info is for those whom is purchasing this pump even from other reefer and not thinking its a crack.
  9. Item 2 - sold. Left: Item 1: Eheim 2260 Canister Only (S$100) Item 3 : Redsea Skimmer come with Surface Skim (S$80) Item 4: Tunze 6060 comes with Tunze Magnet 6080 and box. (S$100) Item 5 : Redsea Wave Master (S$90)
  10. Hi Bro Certain invertebrates cannot be kept with Harlequin Tusk Fish. If you wish to keep Shrimps together, the shrimps has to be introduce long before this fish goes into your tank. Did keep my Harlequin with 2 cleaner shrimp for 1 year before my cleaner shrimps die of old age. Now my Harlequin been with me for 2 years 4 months. Easy to feed and eat also anything. Mine is not aggressive against fishes (any size). Welcome to the Harlequin Tusk fan club.
  11. Upz... Guess this might be tough....hum... need to buy new liao....
  12. Item 5: RedSea Wave Master Pro - S$90.00 Can refer to this link fro more info http://www.redseafish.com/Prod184.asp. 2nd pic is from the web and 1st pic is taken today. Condition 9/10. You can used this will Maxi-jets or Hydor wavemaker.
  13. HI All Bro and Sis Looking for Aquatronica Power Unit 6 plugs 220V UK format. If you have spare of this and intend to sell, let me know.
  14. Still searching for a buyer on this Sohal. Last weekend for the sales.
  15. Update as follow: Item 1: Eheim 2260 Canister Only (S$100) Item 2: Eheim 2227 Wet / Dry (S$80) - Reserve till this weekend Item 3 : Redsea Skimmer come with Surface Skim (S$80) Item 4: Tunze 6060 comes with Tunze Magnet 6080 and box. (S$100) Back on Sales Left item 1 ,3 & 4.
  16. This is great. Will follow this post closely.
  17. Hi BigBird You selling your Emperor Angel? So sweet and nice...... If selling, let me know.
  18. If you stay near Jurong West, I might able to check for you. What Ballast is used? I might have in store and if yes, FOC for you.
  19. Update as follow: Item 1: Eheim 2260 Canister Only (S$100) Item 2: Eheim 2227 Wet / Dry (S$80) - Reserve till this weekend Item 3 : Redsea Skimmer come with Surface Skim (S$80) Item 4: Tunze 6060 comes with Tunze Magnet 6080 and box. (S$100) Reserve till this weekend Left item 1 & 3.
  20. Hi All Looking for used Aquatronica Density interface ACQ 210D. If you have the probe, also ok. PM me the price you intend to sell and age of interface or probe.
  21. Hi All Should have replied all PMs. Apologize to those if I have missed out your PM.
  22. Hi Steroiduser88 Bro From you reply, you are definite a gentleman. For me , I wont border to reply. Upz for your sales.
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