Comparing prices or listing down prices does not make sense to me.
Can you get a plate of chicken rice in town area for S$2.50?
Guess the most important for anyone to start marine is to read more from books or web. So many factor to consider before buying fishes. Let us be a responsible reefer then just to buy fish because its cheap or the extreme which is rare and expensive. Buy fishes that you like and also you are able to provide them a good home.
Factors for newbie to consider before buying any fishes (my 2 cents):
1. Will it out grow my tank size?
2. Will it be compatible to other of my fishes in my tank? If you have small gobies, guess you will not buy a grouper for S$2, right?
3. Will it cause issue? Example soap fishes and cow fishes will let go poison when under stress. This can cause a wipe out of your collection.
4. Most I like this fish? Do ever buy a fish on impulse, else you will regret later.
5. Buy something you can afford. Like the Clarion angel which is 4 digit and I cannot afford it.