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Everything posted by SunkistC

  1. Looking for Golden/Pakistan Butterfly, anyone spotted please share.. thanks!
  2. 1 royal gramma, 1 golden or pakistan butterfly, 1 large Angel but haven decide which one... Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  3. Agree with bro Kenyee.. isolate the bully for a week or 2.. let the 2 angels get bolder and feeding to get stronger.. then release the bully back.. hopefully it will get tamed..
  4. Yes it's a Golden Angel from Ah Beng's previous shipment 2 weeks ago
  5. Tank at 1 year old Special thanks to bro cutebarra77 for letting go his prized Moorish Idol and having kept it in such tip top condition http://youtu.be/lM1u0onXY88
  6. Madzpet Ken even told me he has a customer whose shrimps survived copper concentration of 1.0
  7. Bro u mean sensitive? I lost my Royal Gramma during cupramine treatment.. other smaller fishes like clown fishes, chromis, flame angel survived
  8. Vortech's heating element is outside the tank.. to me this is a big plus point.. the wet assembly takes up little space inside the tank, yet it is powerful and reliable.. If you are going for small tank the Vortech MP10 is sufficient.
  9. Hi bro if really getting Vertex need to take note of the following issue when buying: Some users encountered alignment problems...
  10. Bro it's just next to the Katong Laksa.. Reborn... sigh.. another sad story
  11. Am very impressed with their display tank.. corals all fat and healthy .. last went there in 2006 though..
  12. Last time there was a Tank Maker who embezzled customer $$ and ran away
  13. I was told Polyplab Medic can only help in the early stage of Ich Outbreak.. when fishes are rubbing against rocks and have only a few visible spots on the body. The medication can only kill free swimming parasites so it's more to prevent Ich parasites from multiplying and cause severe outbreak. You will need to dose continuously for at least 2 to 3 weeks to completely kill all parasites including those that have drop off from the fish body. For me I started the medication late as they were already alot of visible spots on my fishes' bodies.. in the end I lost a few fishes.
  14. I've tried Polyplab Medic.. it costed a bomb and the result is negative for me.. i dosed 3 to 4 times the recommended dosage as instructed by Henry but still lose a few fishes..
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