Do you encounter turbo snail turn unconscious after using ultraphos? Mine start to lost its grip and drop down. Some recover after 3-4 days while some stay knock out for 2 weeks. But the snail didn't die as there is still flesh on the shell opening and not rotting.
Oh my gosh. I found a vintage tunze DOC skimmer 9005. Check the tunze pump and it's still working. The label says it's rated for 500L. Anyone one it for $80?
I have a set of Pinpoint thermometer with 3 wireless remote sensor. 2 sensor has difference of 0.01 degree while the 3rd is 1 deg off. Selling for $60.
Swing 360? Doesn't that turn back to the current position? Do you guys mean swing 180?
Can't it turn 90 degree, with the cabinet side (width) against wall, then u get 3 sided view? The front clearance will be too narrow?
I was about to say that. The tank look very out of place in that position. Either have it length wise against wall or width wise against wall. That will look neater.
Coral is much more expensive now. But some expensive stuff in the past has lower in price. But nothing beat the price of SPS back in 1990s. A huge purple colony cost $20 while those greenish SPS is less than $10. LR was only $3/kg.
I also restarted this hobby early last yr after 5 yrs break. Started without chiller, thinking less pump and LED lighting will keep the tank cool. Temp was hovering around 29 deg by blowing a fan across water surface 24/7. But the topping up is a nightmare. Every 2 days my 18 litres container dry up. Chiller is still the best thing. Ha ha