Any bro can advise on the height of the MH lighting to the surface of my tank water?
I find it warm when the light are on in the afternoon, adding to our warm afternoon heat.
I am using a artica 1/4 chiller for my 4x2x2 tank, sump with return pump aquabee 7000 and chiller return pump aquarbee 3000 with SPS and LPS. The tank temp runs at 26.3 in the day and once my 1st MH on at 4pm, the temp will slowing increase. At about 7pm after the 2nd MH which on at 5pm, the chiller temp remain at 26.8-26.9d till light off at 11pm. thereafter, the tank temp will decrease to about 26.2-26.8 to the next day.
I have just service the chiller and is a new chiller since mid dec 09.