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Everything posted by clownfish88

  1. how big can it open. the pic is under what type of light?
  2. is this still available? can collect tomorrow?
  3. interested in ur FR. Can reserve? btw, collect at YCK can be done in the morning? cause working at YCK as well.
  4. what is the pic 2 ? is it the pump OR 3000?
  5. keen in ur FR and sand dollars. still available? what is the flow rate of the return aqua bee pump?sms 97968964
  6. my exp is also the same as them. but depand on how injury it is? can it be cause of stress or do u place it near other coral that attack it? MIne is because the cleaner shrimp try to "dig" the food out and cause it injure and end up "submit NRIC".
  7. mne will open but eating too slow alway snatch by the fish. how to prevent it?
  8. what is OR3000? pump? what bis the flow rate? where to collect?
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