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Still Blue

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Everything posted by Still Blue

  1. thks scarab........ purple monti crusted....with green polyps
  2. mmmmmmm...very kind of u...scarab........ here's one with green polyps...
  3. wow!!! ..Great stuffs dun mind me joining d big guns.... .. though...cant beat scarab's.....
  4. A great welcome to SGReef....... It's such an inspiration when we have international reefers out there sharing the same hobby here. ....a fine tank u got there too...
  5. Got it at Ah Beng's shop, Pasir Ris. Anyway, both my YT and AT has been taken by a reefer with a bigger tank (heeding DA's advice). Still have my PT though I think when you're in a hobby of keeping livestocks, care, persevearance and patience as well as interest must be present. It's such a waste to see His creations dwindle away by such non-committal acts. Wish you luck.....Ice Blue
  6. Thanks Ice Blue/Travy.............
  7. DA.... I hear u dude......would'nt like myself be cramped in such small enclosure....
  8. DT is brand of cultured phytoplankton that can be bought in many LFS here. It's food for the corals n softies.
  9. i will remember u........thks...bro
  10. thanks for the encouragement note....... however, am too liken by my nano that to upgrade would be a loss..... anyway, my Home Affairs Ministry would never bill it........LOL!!!!!
  11. i think erotic suits my feelings towards my nano.....
  12. LOL!!!!....the AT's getting lots of slack here..... but like DA says....once it grows big....need to let it go... that is a pity....
  13. I'm honoured to have it from u...bro thks....
  14. this just got it yesterdar from ZeRoCOOl.... purple digita with orange polyps...
  15. not sure what this is.....can someone id it...
  16. Hi!.....some updates recently acquired Green humilis.......
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