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  1. Please refer to tjis link http://www.reefdepot.com.sg/AddProduct.asp?ProdID=241
  2. U can collect at this saturday if u ok at this price $300
  3. Items: 1)Teco Chiller 2)Skimmer 3)Arcadia metal halide 4)Jebo T5 5) some tank equipment (pump,sump,marine salt,reef builder ,reef advantage calcium )
  4. i got teco R680 , are u interested?
  5. Teco RA680 chiller go for $350
  6. i have teco R680 are u interested ? warranty over liao , used for 5 year still in go condition
  7. sale all below items at $500 1)Teco (RA680) Chiller 2)Jebo 4ft t5 light4 tubes (2 bulb need to be change) 3)Arcadia MH 2 x 250W 4) 4ft Tank Free : Seachem - Reef Builder and reef Advantage calcium about balance 30%
  8. I'M interested the PURPLE TANG , may i know where to collect and price ?
  9. i'm interested , Let me know the addr or sms me at 96660567
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