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Everything posted by tansk

  1. Current highest bid is $280/- from dawugui
  2. http://s214.photobucket.com/user/tansoonkwang/media/image-3.jpg.html'>
  3. There are always willing buyers who don't mind spending at that kind of price. I do believe in selling frags to cover up some costs and also power bills, But selling frags with 3 digits is bit ridiculous, seeing reefers around buying frags with very nice pricing, who is willing to spend that kind of $ on a frag where you can get a whole colony at a lower price As what Yellowtang stated in the reply. Let this matter close and we shall all move on
  4. Tank height is about 3ft tall, the tank is heavy. Best to arrange for a professional tank mover
  5. $80 is very good price for a 6 heads golden torch
  6. Will be giving away FOC black and white livesand
  7. Light set taken down. Ready for collection
  8. More pic , winner to arrange for his/her own transport http://s214.photobucket.com/user/tansoonkwang/media/image-1.jpg.html'>http://s214.photobucket.com/user/tansoonkwang/media/image-2.jpg.html'>
  9. Pic of the sump as request The front compartment is for chaeto, come with 2 return piping from the main tank http://s214.photobucket.com/user/tansoonkwang/media/image.jpg.html'>
  10. By the way.. Cabinet come with 3 doors for easy access Whole set cost me about $1.5k. 3 pieces crystal glass with 10mm braceless glass. About 1 year+ old only Worth every single cents.
  11. Dear fellows, Posting my tank set for bid, come with cabinet and sump. Tank size 30 inches length by 24 inches width by 20 inches height with external overflow box. Well built sump with refugium compartment. 3 pieces of crystal glass with minimal scratches. Condition of the tank set I can give is 8.5/10. Bid start at $1/- only. Each increment at $1 not less. Closing bid on 7th June 2014 Sat at 2359hrs SRC time. All bidding strictly in this thread only. Winning to transfer a deposit of 20% within 24hrs. Viewing can be arranged during the period before the bidding close. Viewing at West. Happy bidding.
  12. tansk

    Want to swap

    Hi, Looking to swap my DELTA Skimmer 1455 to SC2060 with top up Pls note that this skimmer is not for sale, strictly for swapping with DELTA. SC2060 only
  13. Hi all, Looking to sell my black & white live sands for $20/- Enough for 3ft tank and below. please bring a pail along. Collection at west. Thanks
  14. Hi, Looking to sell off my 400W DElightig with 2 X T5 24watt T5 fixture with hanging kit. Come with 5 months old blue T5 tubes and 20k Radium MH bulb, Will throw in a brandn new 12k reeflux MH bulb Looking at $500/- everything. Interested PM me your contact for pic. Collection West
  15. Hi, Selling my ATO device for $20 only PM me your contact for me if keen Collection west
  16. Hi, Selling my ATO device for $20 only PM me your contact for me if keen Collection west
  17. tansk

    WTG chaeto

    No prob Have more to give away.. PM me your contact for more details of the collection
  18. Hi all, Looking to let off my tunze 6055 controllable wavemaker with single controller 7091 at $180/- Collection at west PM me your contact for pic if interested. Thanks.
  19. tansk

    WTG chaeto

    Have some chaeto to give away Self collect at my place only (West)
  20. Up for this nice coloration frag!!
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