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Everything posted by PUCIFER

  1. I guess it is a stink ray's mouth. hahaahahahaa.... its really ugly.
  2. Hi everyone, I realise that my liverocks tend to spit out some dusty stuff. few days later that area of rock got a layer of dusty grey looking stuff. I hate to touch as it makes the water dirty. Any suggustion to clear it up? My water circular is quite ok.....can I keep something that eat it? Best regards, PUCI
  3. Then how?? Should we all stop keeping Fish & corals, so no demand, no supply? Save the fish....Personal, I think its quite impossible....so stop thinking of the fishes will die.
  4. hey....if im not wrong...i think the middle grip came off..... Dangerous leh? can anyone confirm that?
  5. hi, how much did you bought it for?? i am very interested....is there a picture i can see? Best regards, Kelvin
  6. Hi everyone, biding is close. And the highest bid is $13.00 from brian (sky) Once again, thank you for your support.
  7. Biding will end tonight at 8pm. Looks like strapy is kinda popular. $13 from Sky!! Thank you!
  8. I got it from a fren who live in indonesia. I'm clearing one of my tank, thats why im selling away. BTW, his name is strapy. If you are the confirm owner, pls take good care of him, do not let other of your clown bully him.
  9. Wow....guys, thank you for the support.... Since I have a few sincere buyer.... I decided to end this bid earlier. Biding will end tonight 7-11-2003 (8pm). Thank you for all your warm support.
  10. of course you can, I just need to find someone to give it away. thank you for your participation.
  11. Sorry......I type too fast....it won't hunt your fishes as food.... anyway, he is quite slow....haahahhaaaa
  12. hm......if the shrimp don't like your fish, I think he will try to pinch it....haahha but so far...i feed the shrimp with market prawns....he is so use to it...i think the boxer shrimp would hunt down your fish.
  13. Hi ....here is the boxer shrimp.....thank you
  14. Hi....I am actually letting your guy to bid for the value of that clown fish.... the boxer shrimp is giving away for free. The starting bid will be $2......bid will end on 8/11/2003 12pm noon. Thank you.
  15. Hi everyone, I have this clown fish that really look unusual to me.......I selling it togather with a healthy boxer.
  16. Can I put a 250w bulk in your pendent unit. Thank you...
  17. Hi, i am also interested in the MH........HP- 93807626
  18. hello, my cleaner shrimps just gave birth again, anyone know how to take care??? pls share with me your experiences. thank
  19. hello, anyone interested in a orca 30 venturi type protein skimmer, bought at $30. im selling it together with a SuperPrecision 9000 airpump, its twin head with adjustable airflow.bought at $18. im selling the both together for $15, interested buyers pls PM me. heehee,i know u guys must be laughing at this thread, but this will make a relatively good skimmer for your Q tank. can fit a 2.5feet tank nicely. cheers
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