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the oracle

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Everything posted by the oracle

  1. I will do more research cos i go to any lfs, they always say easy to rear and jus feed them this and that but end up the fish dont eat anything. I dont blame the lfs cos they doing business mah but i guess personal knowledge is very important.
  2. Okie! That was a risky move by me! Lucky all my living thing in the aqurium is alive.
  3. Can i actually add them together at a go before i pour them into the aquarium? I did that yest and it cause my whole tank turn really Milky. There is a chemical reaction when all the addictive are together and give a fizzy sound like soda drink. Is threr a problem with what i am doing?
  4. Ok will try tonite. What if there is something wrong with ph level or sg level? What can i do? Thanks! Still a newbie!
  5. Sad Sad, trying to put in seperate thank after back from work but die liao!
  6. Ya lor could it be water condition really bad? i have clown fish and they aint aggressive at all. 2 out of 3 die liao after tonite. Guess the 3rd going soon. sad!
  7. Jus purchase another 3 cleaner shrimp today. all 3 are healthy as it can be. But i realise after 1 hour, one sudden flip over and die. i see it very healty suddenly jus gone. What happen? IS it bcos of the water? Why the rest are ok but not this shrimp? This is the second incident liao. 1 st incident 2 out of 3 shrimp also jus gone like that.
  8. Bro Jervis your chromis very healty leh! What you feed them? Mine is like so skinny and not feeding and hinding in the rocks!
  9. My mandrinfish is getting skinny day by day. he is not eating even i place pellet in front of it. help needed!
  10. bought 3 clearner and one nite later, end up 2 got killed by my boxer. last one nearer got killed and lucky i saw it in time that the boxer is aiming at my 3rd clearner. so i decided to throw my boxer in my sump tank.
  11. I have a problem as well. i just bought 3 cleaner shrimp today and realise 2 are moving around the live rock and 1 was at the bottom of a live rock and i try to move it but it has no reaction. Iss it dead? Does not seem so cos the colour still fresh. Help please!
  12. guy! you mean coral band cannot put them with cleaner shrimp in the same tank? i tot of getting 2 cleaner shrimp soon.
  13. Where can we get good range of coral and fishes? I often heard of you guys refer to coral farm , reborn , ML (dont know what is the name). Burt where are they? Are there others which are better and have wide variety of range? Can anyone give us newbies the add for reference? Thanks!
  14. What abt the temperature of water? What do i have to look out? Do i need a chiller to keep sun?
  15. Jus curious why black tang are so expensive? Are they very few in the world?
  16. Poor thing all fishes die! Are you sure? All at the same time?
  17. wow fantastic tank. I guess you electric bill also very ex after seeing your super big chiller!
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