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Everything posted by orsony

  1. Some of the photo of the fishes in LCK. Most 3" AT are already feeding on pellet.
  2. LCK new shipment Gem Tang Misc fishes (Will update again) Anemone Zoa Still have AT Size M YT Nakeed Clown Conspi angel Flame Angel French Maculous Potter Orchid Dottyback Elongated Dottyback Neon Dottyback Platinum Clown Picasso Clown Powder Blue Empress Ear Spot Fire Shrimp Cleaner Shrimp etc
  3. Selling a used Aquabee 1000 for $25. In good and working condition. Collection at Bukit Batok.
  4. Use copper. But make sure also use a reliable test kit. Don't waste time on FW. It will not help. Honestly, same stand as most of the reefers, no panick if it is still eating and active.
  5. LCK new arrival Cospicillatus Angel size 5 - 6" Price very tempting. Less than 40 blue notes. Tomorrow Hawaii shipment. AT YT confirmed. Other misc will update tomorrow.
  6. ORA Platinum clown (less than xxxx for a pair) Picasso misbar back & white nakked clown neon dottyback elongate dottyback yellow accesor
  7. Sorry, if you mean LCK's location. Have shifted to LCK 201. It is still the same area except nearer to the exit.
  8. I dun think it is advisable to use CL650 for a 6ft tank moreover you are running MH. You need at least a 1/2 hp to support your tank. If your Arctica is still around, why not send it for servicing? I understand this is a very good brand.
  9. Bro, you are back. I understand that there are 2 smaller AT and 2 large AT. M size ABT also available. Hurry before the AT is gone.
  10. Bro, I guess you will be interested in one of them right? Wrasse confirmed coming but clown yet to confirm the date. So you guys will have enough time to save money for it. Likely to sell in pair
  11. Heard from Steven that LCK is selling Kent Marine salt at $16 for the 6.35kg packet(50gallon).
  12. Thanks bro Thomas. Didn't know about that. Is it apply to all the scientific names for other fishes?
  13. How long then it will kick in again? Normally it should last 1 hr plus too for the next kick in. If it kick in too fast then you need to check which equipment generate a lot of heat especially MH.
  14. I saw 1 female in Bukit Batok. Hehehehe.... My tank lah. Look out at Ah Beng's place. He has a lot which I saw the week before. There will be some wrasse coming soon..........
  15. What about the light? I was told need actinic for coralline.
  16. LCK have Exquiste Radiant Divided(Leopard) Mccosker's glasher african Mystery
  17. I only know LCK just arrived Africa Shipment today. Heard a mixture of wrasse and have ear spot too. Will provide detail tomorrow.
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