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Everything posted by orsony

  1. Sorry guys, ORA shipment will change to next week cos bad weather and flight not available. Have goby but not sure which type. Will keep everybody posted again.
  2. Ya, the bonus will go to LFS. also must prepare the tank for CNY. Hehehe.... Will update once I have info. ORA likely to be on Sunday. Not sure will have any green goby. One of this day you will surely see it.
  3. LCK is at Lim Chu Kang , 201 Neo Tiew Crescent. Look out for the 201 unit. Currently, not much fishes. Will have to wait till weekend or next week. Suppose to have Brazil shipment but flight had problem. Next 2 weeks will be very interesting. You can also go to CF = Coral farm. They are quite near. Might sound too far for you. Hehehe......
  4. LCK will have ORA shipment maybe this weekend. Heard have platinum clown again.
  5. Smaller one is easy to train them to feed on pellet, flake etc. But it is more expensive than a bigger one.
  6. Ok lah bring you to Macdonald other time. When can the black tang go into your tank?
  7. Wow. Very beautiful now. Can my black tang go to your tank? I think my water condition is suck else the HLLE would have recover long ago.
  8. Not a bad idea. Next time have to bring own container and transfer the excess petrol into it before exit. Hehehe.... I think the initial plan was restricted entry to Singapore for more than 20 ltr but they changed to not selling petrol to foreign vehicle near the border.
  9. Told you already lor. Wow 5 hour is then long. Mine without ext temp controller can only last for 2 hr plus but my diff is 0.6 Hehehe...
  10. SL is the distributor for H & S. You can get the needle from there but price is not cheap.
  11. If you thinking of getting an adult then you might want to consider Kole. Quite similar to Chervon adult except the yellow ring on the eyes.
  12. Noise will come after 1 year. Be prepared to face thermostat problem. There is someone selling a CL650. you might want to consider this chiller.
  13. You went to JB also never called me to join you. So selfish arh...... Hehehe. Holiday liao must be very free. From my understanding, the Malaysia Government is calling all petrol stations that are near to the border not to sell petrol to foreign vehicles. Foreign vehicles only can purchase petrol further from the border. Enforcement team will be placed at the stations to carry out the process. Seem to me have a lot of different versions leh.
  14. Aiyah, all the zoa you saw before lah. No need to rush down. Got new shipment then I will call you.
  15. Must be those XXX data that cos the crash. Hehehe...... Told you not to stall so many XXX data in your laptop. Dun listen lah....
  16. You have to introduce the 2 different fishes at the share time. Provide more hiding space then your chance will be higher.
  17. LCK shipment Africa Shipment, only Africanus arrived this afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon will have Caribbean. Stock list will update upon received. Blessed New Year to all everybody.
  18. Bro Nwyk153, method is also workable. How long is the brown tang in your tang? If less than a week, should not be any problem. Try to get at least 1/2" bigger than your brown tang.
  19. Wow Bro, you serious of buying the Clarion arh? Thumb up for you.
  20. Not that difficult, if you can act fast.
  21. Bro this is not the first time this model had such a problem. I would advise you to discuss with the shop whether you can switch to other model.
  22. Above 1.2 k. Problem with rare fish is that the demand is not there. This factor deters the LFS to bring it in. Unless the interested party can commit to the request then we will likely to see some of this rare fishes in local.
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