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Everything posted by orsony

  1. Can lah algae blenny mah. Tank a lot of green algae for the fish .
  2. The photo doesn't justify the beauty of this birdnest. The birdnest is definitely very nice with or without light. Better to view personally. Upzzzz for you
  3. Both very healthy. Feeding everything and kept for more than 1.5 years. Take both for $ 750.
  4. If you interested in 10" Queen and 9" Townsend. You can Pm me.
  5. Upzzzz for your nice corals
  6. Thanks guys for your interest. currently reserved by someone. Will update if the person back out.
  7. Thanks. If this fish is out. I will have space for your sps. Hehehehe.... Price reduced to $450.
  8. Following reserved by; Flameback - hydro ebili - sol flame angel - sol butterfly - sol Bellus - sol
  9. All fishes being with me for at least 8 months and above. Feeding on pellet, flake, brine shrimp etc 1) Unknow Wrasse (not common) 5" - 30 2) Blue Lip 5" - $30 3) Bellus 3" - $45 4) Black Back Butterfly 3" - $12 5) Ebili Angel 2.5" - $8 6) Africa flameback 1.75- $ 35 7) Blueface 6" $70 8) Cuba Hog 4" - $80 9) Flame Angel 2" plus - $35 Above sizes are estimated only. Collection at Bukit Batok. Attached are some of the photo.
  10. I have kept this fish for more than 1.5 years. Fish is healthy and feed on everything. Selling at $600. Collection at Bukit Batok. Will post photo tomorrow.
  11. 2 conspic sold. More fishes to sell as I am planning to go into corals. Mod. Please close this thread
  12. very common item. can get from any fresh aquarium too. just ask for yellow powder and they will know. if French still survives till today. then do W/C regularly and ensure it is feeding. Good luck
  13. For the French keeps changing water. Medication very subjective. Use external medicine. Using paraguard be sure to have a lot of air bubble. All the best to your fish.
  14. Copper is good for ich and velvet. If tank don't have these disease then don't have to add. Because u have to shut down your skimmer when using. Indirectly affect the water condition cos no skimming. Unless u change water regularly but u have to add copper very often and have to maintain the correct dosage at all time.
  15. What is the size of your fish? I agreed with Harlequin judgement. I would bring it out to treat separately with good water quality. Lying down also shows it very weak but still can try better then to leave it inside your tank. For a start I would mix some of your tank water with new water. Be cautious not to mix other medication with copper. Check before using.
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