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  1. Please pm me if you are selling , thanks . Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Hi all, I have 2 small clownfish for adoption. Collection hougang. Thank You
  3. ricky


    Hello all, I am giving up this hobby , hence , I have some items to give as follows . Some dead Rocks,some live rocks , Bio balls , 2 clown fish , 1 chromis , 1 Mandrain , some loose pipping .. The Mandarinfish has been with me for half a year , stable , but not eating Pellets. Please bring your own carrier. I need to clear by this Sunday. Thanks
  4. Hello, As above . Please state age, condition or photos if you have. Thanks.
  5. Very Nice people here ! Up for your sales
  6. Hi, I am quite new in this hobby but apparently , my tank have been running a year , free from algae. I seek the help of 5 x Turbo snails in my 3 x 2 x 2 . So far , it been good.
  7. Dear Andy, No problem , future is full of suprise ! Have a good day Cheers Ricky
  8. Yo bro , Is the Live Rock Sold? Can sms me 9875 1687? Thanks & Best Regards Ricky
  9. Hey , thanks for the coral too.Yup agree , nice tank ! Cheers Ricky
  10. Hello , I am interested in your item No 2 and No 3 , how can I contact you ?
  11. Hi Pal, Thank you for your advice. Yes I should do some research before i commence further on any other fishes. There is only 1 outlet going to the main tank , I will try splitting it into 2 . Will try to get a picture and upload into the forum for more advice and help. Thank you Ricky
  12. Dear people, I am new to this marine fishes. I just set up a 3 feet tank , apparently using RIO 32 HF as a return pump from my sump tank. I notice that the flow is too heavy . May I ask if there is any remedy for this problem ? I just introduce a mandrain fish inside and the poor fish seems so pathetic . Please advice me Sir and Madam. Thank You Ricky
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