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  1. Hi, Selling my 1/2HP chiller for S$1200, very powerful chiller with thermostat. Tank has already been decommissioned for a few years. http://n30.com.sg/chillers/arctica-titanium-commercial-chiller-1-2-hp-da-500b.html Will upload some photos later. Sincere buyers please pm me. Thanks RX
  2. Hammer will sting ur SH if they come too close. It's possible to keep them together but depends on how you locate them and also the direction of ur current.
  3. UPZ....and one more motorola Z8. brand new. $400. Reasonable offers please let me know. thanks.
  4. A friend of mine is selling his O2 XDA for $800. retail($950). mint. condition. He bought it in July 2008 and used for only one week. But he is unfamiliar with the way it works as he had been using TREO. Which model it is, I believed it should be the latest. Will get back to the thread with the answer. Any question can pm me. thanks.
  5. prata and lps are not that hard to keep provided with good water quality even that some say it needs abit of nutrients in the water. btw, they do feed in nature not just that ppl tot they just need sunlight. normally they will eat so-called marine snow which are like the debris from the top. Most corals get carbohydrate through sunlight and get proteins from the water. From the water in nature, it's normally marinesnow and planktons but we dun have them in our water. so feeding them will help them to grow faster too. but make sure it's small enough or else u will hurt them. even without targetfeeding, they will still grow slowly when u feed ur fishes as they are constantly filtering ur water with their tentacles. Cheers
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