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Everything posted by zipp86

  1. Deep purple Acropora with luminous green tip, selling for $XX light blue acropora with lumious green polyps and purple tip for $XX cant post pic but free to view at my place, call 81237792 to inquire price and reserve now. plus free frags of red stylophora with luminous green polyps all very beautiful, guarantee
  2. Hi WTS my bright green acropora frags for $5 each. pls sms me at 81237792 to buy. collection at pasir ris.
  3. get a buffer to increase your KH, i suggest you remove any bioballs if you have any and also try to hide your seio pump if you can, make sure your flow is adequete to remove any dead spots. Dont start stocking yet, do it a monh later and the key to keeping your tank alive and well is to STOCK SLOWLY, haha there is a saying that in reefkeeping, nothing good ever happens fast so ya, take your time man run ROWAphos if you are not doing so now to help with your control of algae and adding bacteria into your tank would really shorten that 1 month wait if your hands get itchy and excited to add stuff in(like i did) haha
  4. i think u are reading your KH wrongly bro, anyway six drops is 6dKH. so there you have it, your KH is 6! oh ya, my advice to you is repair your chiller or get a new one, how you going to run a chiller without any thermostat???
  5. Hi looking for one for a long time already, those selling pls pm me thanks
  6. hey no matter what price the seller is selling, wherever the source, its not your business to spout it on the main thread. Are you planning to purchase them? I don't think so, so kindly refrain from making blasphemous remarks and keep your nosey fingers in your pockets where they belong. Any queries you should pm
  7. Hi all want to sell my Ludwig Drum Kit, metallic blue colour. Condition not too bad. Very nice sounds. Bought 1K WTS only for $700! Attached below is a pic. Hi-Hats, Ride and Crash by Sabian. pls contact me at 81237792 or pm me for details. Aspiring musicians dont wait anymore, get a good one now
  8. my friend, a good way to maintain stable ph is to use a ph buffer like seachem buffer plus to keep it at about ph 8.4, changes in ph are dangerous. What buffer plus does is to maintain a high KH, or alkalinity so that any acidic compounds introduced into the system will be neutralised by the high alkalinity content. my 2-cents Cheers
  9. 1 seio 1100 and 1 seio 820 reserved.
  10. price drop to $40 and $30 respectively.
  11. Hi all clearing cheap Seio m1100 X2 -$45 each Seio m820 X2 -$35 each open for sale and trade. Neg.
  12. yup about there.. actually im not so sure i wanna sell, its so pretty.. haha.. but i will la.. if there is anyone interested..
  13. Hi WTS my Teco Ra680 chiller able to cool down up to 4ft. Wts Cheap only for $500.
  14. Hi WTS a 6inch large zebra angel for only $50!! call me at 81237792 for fast sales
  15. hi all FR found faulty so will not be selling anymore.. Bro Homer is kindly going to refund me, cheers to him
  16. Hi anyone selling their denitrator pls pm me
  17. Hi all WTS Resun FR, i just purchased from bro homer but i cant seem to put it in sump or out as my cupboard no space. BOught $50 sell $50 pls pm me for fast deal, filled half with new rowa i added..
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