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Everything posted by zipp86

  1. hee...let me see why did i come here to fart? hmm, no reason i guess, maybe just irritated that u say other reefers here have "scary rocks" lol, ur a funny chap, i enjoy this online chat with you dear uncle..
  2. have fun bad mouthing me, im sure you make your momma proud, all the best to you and your rocks
  3. kid then kid la, who cares.. haha
  4. haha ok "uncle" have fun with your smelly old rocks
  5. nowadays black tang price keep rising, sigh..
  6. so your rock rocks la.. wa lau.. 6 years liao maybe got Hydrogen sulphide growing inside of the rocks.. now that, is scary
  7. haha good one.. year it really sux to have spoilt chaeto, last time i bought from acidjazz a stupid cheater, he sold me chaeto with cyano growing on it and he still can tell mr its not, i silly to believe him, good thing now i manaaged to resolve issue. morale of story, check your green spaghetti!!
  8. hi WTS my RM CA rector. Sellling $350, pm me or sms me if interested. comes with CO2 tank with solenoid with dual guage regulator.
  9. about 1 feet long very very beautiful..
  10. Since put for bid no one wants, I will let go at $40
  11. we have a reef in singapore right? used to be more but cuz of reclamation many reefs died.. only one on mainland is at labrador park, the rest are on our islands.
  12. top and lower right sold to bro toomin lower left still available. $25.
  13. bid ends 2359 on 28/09 @2359 buyer has to collect the next day or asap i reserve all rights to cancel bid. Have fun guys
  14. hiall, unsure of the species but here is a huge beautiful piece up for bid. Starting price $50.
  15. hi, updated price.. $80 for all 3... already make loss wts cuz going to buy angel dun want them to feast on the corals..
  16. think white will be nice..
  17. why not try other brands? artica will eat less elericity or maybe a teco?
  18. hi looking for 4inch specimens, pls pm or sms me if any thanks
  19. i feel like doing an experiment with LaCL, will try la, read pretty mixed review on the web..
  20. hi what u can do is put your sun coral into a pail filled with cyclo, mysis, frozen meat.. to entice it to come out to feed, after a wile when u pour these food into your main tank it will auto open liao
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