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Everything posted by zipp86

  1. will prefer to sell in cash first, trading will come later if no one is interested, thanks to all those who pmed me regarding the trading.
  2. price reduced to $250 for the yuma and rics, $170 for mystery wrasse, attractive enough?
  3. haha bro this is red yuma, not normal kind, if you check with ah bengs they selling 45per polyp, same with rics. However if you are really interested i can surely give a better price, i didnt put price neg for nothing, haha
  4. oh ya price neg and willing to trade for denitrator.
  5. hi all, wanna sell the above items. 4 red yumas plus 3 florida rics, green, orange, blue with green mouth all on 1 piece of rock with encrusted SPS coral. My jewel piece. Selling whole set for $300 flat. Mystery Wrasse 3 inch long. Feeding on frozen mysis and brine shrimp. Caught and ready to sell. $200.
  6. why not you all go and take from the mangrove swamp? Many propagules there ready for insertion into tank.
  7. zipp86

    UV light

    dont use UV, you will kill many beneficial things and still ich will not die completely, best way to rid of ich is stop buying fish, let the weaker ones die, keep the rest fed and healthy, let ich dissappear on its own, just dont add anything can already as you risk infecting your old fishes or the new one. Just be patient, go through this painful process, keep your fish fed and healthy can le.
  8. pmed you my number pls get back to me through sms thanks:)
  9. hey prata lover, quarantine is really easy. Go google it to find out more.
  10. iwarna sells, u can go pluck some for free too:P
  11. my new rics:) orange blue red plus 3 red yumas and 2 red baby yumas
  12. hi... i wonder if my tank will ever stop changing its looks.. haha.. after a major rescape due to poor rock stacking previously, i managed to end up with this.. not too bad, so here is how my tank looks like after the rescape:)
  13. i like korans when they are full adult, very beautiful.. haha
  14. haha why not just wait for the original coming out next year, anyway, wrong thread man..
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