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Everything posted by Uptempo

  1. TFC: many flameback angel small size, morish idol (saw few pcs feeding pallets already), purple tang, juvenile earspot, anthias, 1 big grey angel, 1 x big emperor angel, 1 × big earspot angel
  2. Sealife : flame angel, coral beauty, some red rare wrasse which i dunno what species, keyhole angel, small blue tang, small AT, 1 x gray poma angel, few large size french angel and the usual clown fish and damsels
  3. Bro...As much as i would like to have a QT, the space and equip is a constraint. Have to live with the space i have.
  4. Very likely will use copper as solution. Therefore no plans for corals and inverts.
  5. Hi all, this is my 3rd restart attempt at fowlr with mainly tangs and angels for my 3ft tank w/ sump. 1st attempt due to ich all wiped out... left tank empty for 6 weeks then went for 2nd attempt 2nd attempt, all fishes were with me for at least 2+ years before my hand itchy went to scrub my sump clean resulted in (what i believe) some release of bacteria/poison or unbalance water parameters. All fishes down and out with ich and velvet. Casualty list: flame angel, yellow tang, asfur, blueface, emperor and sohal tang. Sadzz!!! Now onto my 3rd attempt. This time round I have decided to go bare bottom, added a wavemaker to blow the bottom and got a custom rockscape from bro Naz whom I coincidentally met when I went iwarna for the water arrangements. The rockscape, wavemaker and water just came this morning and here is the final work with lots of holes big and small for fishes to go in and out which I enjoying seeing most. There are also a few caves if you can spot. Probably 2-3 weeks later we can see the first fish swimming inside. Planning to keep: 1 tang 1 dwarf angel 2 juvenile large angels (blueface/emperor) 1 large angel like king or queen 1 or 2 small dwellers like hawkfish and dottybacks Keeping fingers crossed that this attempt, all fishes will stay with me longer than 3 years.
  6. Sealife: sohal tang, blueface angel, asfur angel, emporer angel, yellow tang
  7. Collected. Hope they have found a good home.
  8. Anyone wants to adopt a maroon clown 2.5 inch and a large boxer shrimp? Both have been caught today and house in the sump now. Hope to find them a good new home. Self collect at jurong west. Boxer shrimp one claw gone due to netting. Sms 98731336. Cheers.
  9. Sealife redsea shipment many sohal, purple tang, few maculocus angel, mandarins, large blue tang
  10. Thanks for the comments bro. I added a flame angel 1 month back. Only experience minor chasing. Am waiting for any king shipment. Havent see a king shipment since last year. With a king, my stocklist will be final. And yeah... Maroon clown does growth extremely fast.
  11. Sealife has the usual hawaii shipment.... YT, flame angel, AT, big and medium naso tang, pbt, potters angel, captive bred picasso clowns, 1 blue angel, pyjamas tang etc
  12. Met some aeroplanes. Price down to $70 for serious buyers. Self collect at the west. Please sms 98731336.
  13. Hi, am asking opinion from fellow reefers on the feasibility to keep a 4 inch adult emperor angel with a 2.5 inch king angel in a 120G. Current i have the follow live stock: 1 x 4 inch emperor 1 x 2 inch yellow tang 1 x 1.5 inch maroon clown Am thinking to add a 2.5 / 3 inch king angel. Heard King is really a big bully, am hoping a smaller king can live peacefully with a larger emperor. Any reefers tried before? all comments are welcome. Thanks in advance.
  14. Around 3 inches.. Left 2 pcs if i rem correctly. There is a third piece in the display but its quite badly bullied
  15. Selling the below Reef Octopus Skimmer comes with OTP 2000L pump all for $100. No cracks, in full working condition, plug and play. Interested please sms 98731336.
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