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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Yup, i bet a lot of reefers will recommend Salifert.. most accurate and reliable..
  2. I have a Aquamedic 1000 Calcium reactor and it comes with a dosing pump at 4L/Hr fixed rate. In this case, would it be logical to adjust the bubble rate to get the desired effect of maintaning dkh and calcium levels? Main tank will have a volume of about 1000L
  3. My tank is not setup yet too.. will be done at the end of Dec or early Jan when i move it... looking forward to the backaches experienced by the other reefers. hehehe
  4. bwilly, you will need the return pumps and the skimmer running to provide ciruculation rite? if the skimmer is in a sump...
  5. Roidan, how much is the UPS? If i were you , i would stick on the return pumps and the skimmer unto that UPS too.
  6. yeah, then we can all go to the LFS together.. lucky got a few farms nearby..
  7. Hi Guys, are of you staying in that block or around that area? I will be shifting in soon and jusy visited my flat which is under renovation now. Saw a Neighbour with a Reef tank adding or doing something with LRs. Just curious if you are a member here? Also, any reefers around the area? Regards!
  8. Cant wait to see your near real-time commentary on the arrival of the tank and the setup. I am sure a lot of ppl are patientl waiting for your nrext update.
  9. Really guys, do these kinda pick up lines really work? i guess it will work only on dead-drunk and stoned girls and the least chio of them all at the pub too.. no personal experience so just guessing...
  10. Somebody should ask the Tang police in RC if this tank is big enuff for a single Tang.. ahaha
  11. If i were the reefer, i will keep all my fingers n toes crossed and hope the Rics survive... if not....$900 down the drain sia....
  12. Thats the best way of topping up if u have $$ to spare, second best will be to use the anti-chlorine stuff and let the tank sit overnite...worst will be to topup without adidng anything and fresh from the tap..
  13. I think getting the smallest flowrate possible will greatly help in this instance... if possible , a dosing pump? Speaking of which , any lobangs for a cheap but reliable dosing pump? :-)
  14. I think it will be best if we switch the UV if you have 1 just prior to introduction of new LS? and keep it running for a week or 2 as a preventive measure. I believe, if no new introduction of LS is carried out , can safely switch the UV off and diseases cannot appear out of nothing and there must be a carrier of sorts for it to be introduced into the system? The best is still to attach UV set at the Q tank and leave the main tank runnign without UV at all. In my humble opinion...
  15. There are some ah-bengs driving WRXs also. those that parents got $$$ type, i usually see these ppl chasing each other along ECP. Its very funny when u see u lesser powered Lancers/Civic trying to chase each other while more powerful cars are just cruising along and overtaking them without much effort.. and we are really really off-topic.. hehe
  16. Hmmm.. a new generation Alfa-Romeo would be good too... :-)
  17. Thinking of doind my own prepared food. Flub, where did you get the recipe from and if possible, can you provide a list of the ingredients pls?
  18. 6 line wrasse is an aggresive fish? first time i heard of it. Have always tot of it as a perfect reef fish which is very mild and non-aggresive.
  19. Wow, i read with disgust at some of the comments here. Why should we be encauraging the cruel treatment of animals. the sharks are suffocating to death for god's sake. I really hope that the sharks can pass on some kind of disease from eating their fins and those who consume it will develop incurable disease that will slowly drown them like what i happening to the sharks when they get their fins cut. Maybe then ppl will stop eating. Olden Chinese Emperors are uneducated but we would like to expect more from the modern educated folks instead of blindly following tradition no matter what the cost. Have a think about it , seriously. Dunt mean to be harsh but the seriousness cannot be diminished by simply joking about it. When the Buying stops, the killing stops too. Regards
  20. Not meaning to steal this thread, but pospeh.. watch out for 10.3.2, out soon..
  21. Yup, its that expensive... CF is selling a really small one for the same price too...
  22. Ok, i think he get the idea that his tank is too thin now. :-) hehehe
  23. 4mm?? dunt use the tank in my opinion...better safe than sorry. get a thicker glass tank.
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