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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Yup, slimming down industry is huge in image-conscious Singapore. Bust enlarging and firming services are very popular too, but I wont complain about that
  2. Is that an encrusting/plating light orange monti on the lower right-hand side of your tank?
  3. Were you looking at the color in PR under the Radiums? That would explain the difference in perceived color. HTH
  4. Very packed reef. Very soon you need to upgrade your tank to a bigger one. Very nice colors. Got close-up shots?
  5. You need to change it after a while. How long? Easiest way is to measure PO4, if it starts to creep up, means the lifespan of the rowa is over and its time to replace it. Make sure you are running the Rowa in a FR for maximum benefits. HTH
  6. BTW, did you have chance to have a look at the Bulk order for the CV and also the PM I sent you? Hope you got it. The CV should be here next week. Left KZ already and making its way here.
  7. Very nice scaping. Lots more space for existing colonies to grow out and also GEMs to be added. Congrats!
  8. Yup, there are prefilters before the RO stage usually carbon after sediment filter. Nope, you cannot have no waste water as this is a function of the RO membrane unless the incoming is already 0 TDS perhaps? Rejected water can be used to water plants, wash clothes. flush toilet etc etc If you are planning to drink the product water, i guess its best to drink it after the RO stage but actually our tap water is totally safe for human consumption so dunt even need to pass thru the RO/DI filters if u ask me Hope the above helps
  9. Should cost you about $400 including reagents which has to be bought separately Model number: 93713 Hanna Singapore Phone: +6562967118 161 Kallang Way #07-12/14 Singapore 349247 Singapore
  10. Hanna is an electronic meter and its more accurate when compared to Salifert. Cost a lot more too! Hanna can resolved down to 0.01 with a typical error of +- 0.01 HTH
  11. 2 brands that I have used and trust: Seachem and Tropic Marin. On a sidenote, for coralline to grow well, make sure your parameters for MG/CA/KH are well within the guidelines. If so and you already have a bit of coralline growin, just sit back and it will explode in due time. No need to do much.
  12. Here you go: http://www.ava.gov.sg/javascript/bring%20o...0singapore.HTML Above is a webpage from AVA that states what you can bring in personally without permits Hope That Helps
  13. Dude, un-jammed your zeovit reactor yet?
  14. Yeah, good point. My resident 6-line whacked the yellow wrasse 1/2 dead when I first introduced it. After a few days, the 6-line grew bored and left the yellow wrasse alone. Thank god.
  15. Maybe a 1 yr old grey belly Regal is a better bet than a new yellow belly? Anyway, Upz for your Sale dude!
  16. Go for a combo of 6-line and yellow wrasse. These 2 are potent at eradicating nudis and pyramidic snails which attacks clams.
  17. Both will go up in a balanced way. CA of 400 is not high so it can go up without issues. Also, CA will not go up very high but you will see a vast improvement in the stability of KH. Objective of a CR is to hold/maintain the parameters (if properly tuned). So best way is to raise the dkh manually and at the same time incresing effluent flowrate and monitor if the dkh stays steady with the new flowrate/bubblerate.
  18. Whats your MG levels? Anyway, it might be that the CR effulent is 64dKH but the supply is not meeting the demand in your SPS dominated tank. Try increasing the flowrate of the CR and maintaining the 64dKH from the effluent from incresing the bubble count too. That will deliver more dkh/CA to your tank and meet the demand better. hope that helps
  19. So both overflows will drain into the first compartment of your sump which has the skimmer feed pump running? This will optimised the nutrient removal also.
  20. You can try to minimise the actual level of water in the sump during normal run-time too. This would give you more space to contain the backflow. http://www.reefcentral.com/calc/sump.php Above will help you with the calculation of sump volume needed Hope that helps too..
  21. Dude, why do you need 2 overflows on each side? An overflow that spans the entire width of the tank on 1 side of the tank insufficient? Just asking only http://www.reefcentral.com/calc/drain.php Above will help you with calculating the actual width of the overflow and piping needed for your flow rate. Hope it helps
  22. No worries, the best is if you can spec the sump to handle all the backflow without spillage tho. way safer in my humble opinion.
  23. You can get a resun from Aquamarin if its really urgent. Cheers
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