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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. The Milli has been moved sumwhere else since it has overgrown its spot and starting to sting all the corals in its perimeter.
  2. Rav, I have sent you a PM for the collection of the Coral Vitalizer. When would you be able to collect it? Thanks
  3. Yup. Regulations state that we are allowed to bring in even hard corals without a permit from AVA (5 pieces max) Only caveat is dat we still require CITES permits. duhhh Softies are easier to be brought in.
  4. U put in cooling fans and the evaporation rate will go up and there goes your stability if u dunt have an auto top-up device. Generaly cooling fans can bring down by 1 degree or so.
  5. Yup, they need waters below 30 degress to be thriving and healthy. 30 degrees still might be possible to keep SOME LPS but very risky. Get it down to 28-29 and both you and the corals will be very much happier and stress-free. HTH
  6. Looks good, now you need a bit of luck with it.
  7. UV is highly beneficial in a FOWLR since it disrupts bacteria and also algae spores. Go for it. Make sure you get a big enuff unit for the flowrate you are pushing thru the UV unit.
  8. You might want to get a clear canister for the sediment filter so that you can monitor its state/condition. Just a suggestion
  9. Dosing depends on the brand. Some requires just drops daily but others might require capfuls weekly. IMHO, various reputable brands which have shown good reuslts in terms of growth and coloration includes Salifert/Korallen/KZ. Havent heard of the Aquapharm product and its effects so I cant say anything about it.
  10. Hyacinthus has been labelled as one of the most hardest SPS to keep color and grow. Some of the things to keep in mind to swing the odds in your favor: 1) Multi-directional pulsing flow especially to the core of the table 2) Strong lights 3) Stable parameters in the correct ranges (Alk 7-8, CA ~ 420, Mg ~1250, Low temp) 4) Pristine waters with very low PO4 levels (0.01-0.03) and NO3=0 5) Regular AA supplements 6) Regular water changes to replenish depleted trace elements and dilution of toxicity Last but not least, Luck. You need to be lucky to get a stable specimen that will not brown out or experience TNs. HTH
  11. Congrats on the hyacinthus. Blast with a lot of indirect flow and high lights and it should be ok assuming your parameters are all in check of course. Stability is the key.
  12. Ok, will keep u in the loop if I can get my hands on an available specimen
  13. By any chance, do you have a specimen of the 'Superman Monti'? That looks gorgeous!
  14. OK, thanks for the tips. Will move part of the specimen to a lower light area and see how it compares. You got an updated pic of your 'mother' colony?
  15. Jim, wanna report back to you about the rainbow monti frag you shared with me. Seems like the more 'matured' polyps are always green and only the circumference new growth area is orange. Body is deep purple. Is yours the same?
  16. Sweet! Very creative. I think it would be nicer if he pasted the blue screen instead.
  17. Personally, I have not been dosing it for very long but there are some evidence of coloration. Judging from the other reefers tanks and testomonials, dosing AA does help to quite an extent. HTH
  18. They are specific AA's for SPS and LPS. Dosage for the KZ's AA is like a drop for every 100L or so daily.
  19. Amino Acids. You can try the various more popular brands out there. Most seems to do the job. Im personally using KZ's AAHC (Amino Acid High Concentrate). Most of the better tanks here are using Amino Acids as a supplement. Check out tanks like Scarab's, Danano's, Weileong's and others. Cheers
  20. Sorry, didnt see your reply. Yeah, when I saw the durso, I already know its the same tank-maker The 1hp chiller is very good but noisy lah. Not advisable to be placed in the dining room or living room if you cannot tolerate noise. The 1/2hp is quieter I think but still noisy IMHO. Its lucky that I can place my chiller in the balcony so less noise heard. Issit possible for your case? The sequence is looking like a very good pump. Congrats on a wise choice. Luv your movable light rack. Can see that Weisoon has been a very big help as usual.
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