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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Usually we have to wait for shipments, usually Paradiz Reef has them or Iwarna. A few other LFS might have them too but the shipments are very few. Watch the LFS thread. Some of the guys might post when the peppermint shrimps are here.
  2. Nope, you need to maintain correct values of KH/CA/MG. Reef builder helps with htte KH bit. You would still need to dose CA and MG. hth
  3. I dunt think Berghia Verrucicornis is available locally in Singapore. You might wanna try peppermint shrimps for aip control but these are not 100%.
  4. It has been quoted by quite a number of ppl in zeovit.com that this is the best invention since sliced bread. Everybody who has used it is amazed at the growth spurt within a week of usage.
  5. Do the minimal recommended dose which is 1drop/100L. It is ok since it doesnt increase PO4 or NO3 even if overdosed. Im still curious where you got your CV from cos Weileong has not collected the CV from me yet.
  6. Potentially, you going to have 3 x MX100 running? Have you actually heard how an MX100 sound like when running? Personally, I couldnt even stand my single mx70 pump running.
  7. Do you really wanna do the remote DSB at the sump? IMHO, its more problematic than useful.
  8. Hamannbmw, pls respond to the PM sent to you on when you want to collect the 5 bottles of CV which U, Alanseah and Weileong ordered. The products have been waiting for collection for the past 8 days. Also, I have yet to receive payment for the bottles. Pls bear in mind that I have paid for you guys from my own pocket 3 weeks ago. Total cost of 5 bottles is in excess of $300. The bulk order thread: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...38774&st=90&hl=
  9. Weileong, pls respond to the PM sent to you on when you want to collect the 5 bottles of CV which U, Alanseah and Hamannbmw ordered. The products have been waiting for collection for the past 8 days. Also, I have yet to receive payment for the bottles. Pls bear in mind that I have paid for you guys from my own pocket 3 weeks ago. Total cost of 5 bottles is in excess of $300. The bulk order thread: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...38774&st=90&hl=
  10. Dude , I see a blue SPS to the right of the hairy tenuis. Got a close-up of it? *evil grin*
  11. The CV is working fine so far for the last 1 week or so. I can see noticable differences in the polpys extension and colors (not very very different but subtly different). Would you be interested to get one and try if I have a spare bottle?
  12. I dunt think its a clathara since most clathara display a tabling growth form. Of course, I might be wrong . Either way, its a nice piece
  13. It looks good. Good extension of polyps. Im sure it will do fine
  14. Issit actually feasible that we can have acros spawn in our tanks and the gamet actually land on a piece of LR and grow into another colony without dying? I have not heard of it happening in RC or anywhere else for that matter.
  15. Should have a few now using it already since most of the guys who participated in the bulk order have collected the CV. All we need is time now to see the effects.
  16. Here you go from zeovit.com: http://www.zeovit.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3457 Some of them have been using it for 1-2 months now and they see very nice improvements.
  17. Acros spawning in a reef tank? Very Nice. Must be a very nice sight to watch a miracle of nature rite in our own tanks. Way cool!
  18. Will do a more complete review after some time. What I meant was when compared to the polyps extension at nite before dosing CV and now. I already have very good extensions even before CV but now its just amazing. Yup, mille's have very good growth rates but what I have noticed is new growth tips coming out from the sides of the colony branches and the growth has definately hasten when compared to before CV. Yeah, overdose on AAHC will darken colors that but I think what im seeing is deeper colors and at the same time intense. Too early to tell.
  19. I have been using it for the past 5 days or so. I am getting better polyps extension at nite and also the colors seems to be deeper now especially since my colors were a bit pale previously. Growth spurt is noticed in mille's with a lot of growth tips appearing. Bear in mind that this happened in a span of 5 days. I will give it another week or so and report back the findings the best I can. Dosing 10-15 drops everynite after lights off together with the regular dosage of AAHC. Recommended dosage is 1 drop/100L to a max of 3 drops/100L So far, so good! 2 thumbs up!
  20. How loaded is the tank? Lots of LPS/SPS or just softies? If loaded with SPS/LPS, then you got to watch out for KH/CA/MG depletion and thus most probably will need to dose CA/KH/MG supplements to maintain correct steady levels.
  21. My sump and return systems nuthing much. 1xMD55 goes to the chiller and back into the tank and another Eheim 1262 for a direct return and also teed-off to power my Zeovit Reactor.
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