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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. But issit meant to be put outdoors like the commercial chillers from Artica?
  2. $8/5gal. got it from those companies that supply offices with the water dispensers thingie..
  3. If you start with the cheaper carbons, be prepared for the carbon to feed your algae growth from the leaching PO4. Maybe you would like to consider putting in rowaphos or equivalent to help you tackle the PO4 in your tank too (if u have not done so)..
  4. Resun? Are you kidding? Djviper has a good point. If you have a 1hp in your house or worst still in a cupboard... be prepared for a sauna...
  5. Im using distilled water to do water changes and RO/DI for topup. Distilled water is bought in 5G bottles as I do 10G water changes (WHEN I have the time to do water changes)....
  6. Yup, that is what I did since i was renovating my house at the same time. Han Teck is more than capable of doing up the cabinet by himself if you choose to do the whole thing with him. In my case, the tank/sand was done by him and after i finalised the position of the tank, IDs took over and did the cabinet works.
  7. How big is the proposed tank? I went with the Interior Designer wrapping the tank up with cabinet once the tank in its permanent place. Tank/stand/sump was done by Lim Han Teck.
  8. Bro, Monitor the snail. I had a few that began feasting on my SPS leaving ever increasing patches of pure white skeleton with the flesh stripped away.
  9. AT, whats the interesting info on Beta Glucan? Beneficial or not Beneficial? Couldnt make it to the seminar or Aquarama this yr due to bloody work schedule. sob sob
  10. For a DSB to become effective, that area needs to be the same or larger than the main tank bottom (generally). Remote DSB will not work cos a vast majority of us have sumps that are only a fraction of what the display tank is.
  11. So what made it foam all of a sudden?
  12. Im sure GNC will have Beta Glucan. Give it a go.
  13. Kole tang would be good for a 2.5ft. Doesnt grow very big and one of the best algae busters. If u dunt have RODI, then get distilled water for your water changes. Dunt use tap water.
  14. Get an FR for the purephos, do water changes with clean source water (RODI or Distilled) and a good quality salt, replace activated carbon if you are using it, if not, use activated carbon. Make sure your skimmer is operating properly and set it to wet skim as much as possible. Try to manually remove the algae as much as possible. Maybe you can try getting mexican turbo snails to help with the general algae cleanup as they are excellent as cleanup crew. HTH
  15. u have a very very nice collection of corals! Amazing!
  16. Need to modify the chart a bit. Zeostart is supposed to be dosed daily instead of the 2x weekly stated.
  17. Im using AquaMedic Reef Salt since the beginning of the reef's life. Very good salt and highly recommended by the Zeovit guys.
  18. Eric, you got me curious. Do you have a pic of the different type of bubbles? Im very interested to know
  19. Cool setup bro! love the ventilating fans idea! and of course all the power outlets!
  20. Thanks all for the compliments and comments. Scarab, I am now at 20% of your tank's beauty. Will try o improve it to at least 30%! hehehe.. Reefaholic, thanks. Its one of the very few 'gems' i am lucky enuff to own... Veliferium, its definately a birdnests. It has the same growth structure as my pink and yellow birdnests... Fuel, magenta? I tot it was purple?
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