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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Sorry, this might be a newbie question to some.. but why do you think running carbon at the air intake will help with the skimmer performance? I know the filter/floss is to clean the incoming air of dust etc etc....
  2. Ok hold it guys, before anyone answers the questions... I think someone ask before, is dat you in the avatar? POWER!
  3. It is possible to run a tank with chiller but the temp of the water should not exceed 31 degrees or the corals/ls will start to self-destruct in a short time span. hth
  4. Good stuff Weisoon! Love the mods that you have done.. 2 thumbs up! How was the findings of the skimmate without the airvalve? I know the skimmate will be wetter but issit more in quantity and roughly same quality?
  5. Guys, dunt bother arguing lah. We are all newbies with newbies questions mah, leave the expert alone lah, Pls dunt bother experts with newbie questions ok? Lets enjoy reefing Dudes!
  6. Good Stuff, keep us updated on when the bulbs have about 100hrs runtime on them pls. These BLVs might be what we are all looking for, very white and bright bulbs with equivalent or similar PAR levels as the BLV 10kk. The phoenixes are IMO too dim for a good combination of growth and color for SPSes. Granted we might have good coloration of the sps but growth will take ahit when compared to the BLV 10kk
  7. You want the best? Giesemann it is. Be prepared to pay big bucks for it. No such thing as cheap and good.. http://www.deltecaquariumsolutions.com/System260Sunrise.htm
  8. According to some ppl who have used it, Joe's Juice is perfect for fighting Aiptasia. The aiptasias do not retract when the juice is used and will disintegrate within minutes of consuming the product. No adverse effect on tank water parameters too. hth
  9. Wow, of the best SPS tanks in Singapore! Such a waste but I guess no choice. Good Luck with everything!
  10. 1) Vincent Ho - $5k 2) kschew1498 - $2k (2footer) + $5k and climbing! (New tank) 3) Bubblegum - below $400+(2footer) +$300(FOWLR upgrade to 3ft reef ) 4) ReDDevils - $5k + $1.5k 5) dradttg - $8k 6) minsmarine - $2.5k 7) lightningstrike - $12k 8) hammanbmw - $5k (no LS yet) 9) dispar_anthias- $5k (give and take dun want to put too much) 10) blue.tang - $2K++ 11) weileong - $11K++(4ft excluding LS), $1.2k++ (2ft FOWLR excluding LS) 12) Patrick123 - $6k ( Still counting ) 13) Hon - $20k 14) giantbicycle - $1.3k ( Still burning! ) 15)decentkid - 3k ( still burning ) 16)klim - 1.8k (half pass 6, still upgrading) 17)weisoon - >$20K 18)Alfaromeo - $20k 19) acidjazz - 4.7k on main tank, 1.3k on fowlr 20) hotlemond - 4K(3 feeter, still burning..) 21) Lester - 4k ~ 5K ( 3footer, still throwing in ) 22) Dleecool -3K on tank and equipment + 2K on LR & LS (included dead LS) Total: $155000.
  11. 1) Vincent Ho - $5k 2) kschew1498 - $2k (2footer) + $5k and climbing! (New tank) 3) Bubblegum - below $400+(2footer) +$300(FOWLR upgrade to 3ft reef ) 4) ReDDevils - $5k + $1.5k 5) dradttg - $8k 6) minsmarine - $2.5k 7) lightningstrike - $12k 8) hammanbmw - $5k (no LS yet) 9) dispar_anthias- $5k (give and take dun want to put too much) 10) blue.tang - $2K++ 11) weileong - $11K++(4ft excluding LS), $1.2k++ (2ft FOWLR excluding LS) 12) Patrick123 - $6k ( Still counting ) 13) Hon - $20k 14) giantbicycle - $1.3k ( Still burning! ) 15)decentkid - 3k ( still burning ) 16)klim - 1.8k (half pass 6, still upgrading) 17)weisoon - >$20K 18)Alfaromeo - $20k Total : $138,000 ( $100,000 exceeded liao )
  12. FYI, PR no longer carries the big bag of ARM media (which is much much cheaper than getting the 8lb packs). Grab it while Weisoon is still offering it!
  13. LUX has nuthing to do with Kelvin. Lux is the brightness of the light, Kelvin is the color temperature. LUX is quite useful to determine the end of life for a bulb.
  14. Very good price for an excellent CR. The best CR currently available and no overstating of capabilities.. Deltec
  15. Yup, dats what the US guys are starting to do. Make an acrylic box and use it to get crystal clear top-down shots Go for it!
  16. Lux will drop with age too for MHs, dunt know if FLs will color shift with aging but i know the lux will drop like the MHs.
  17. Scarab, you always amaze me with the shots of your tank! Beautiful!
  18. Whats your Mg levels? Kh at 8 and CA at 550 is very unusual.
  19. Color shifts will happen when the bulb ages with the blue spectrum being reduced first but the red spectrum maintaining its output thus the bulb 'shifts'. This happens and affects higher K bulbs more drastically (e.g 20kk). If you are using reliable and proven 10kk (e.g BLV 10kk) and lower, the effect is not greatly seen. Measuring lux levels would be a good guide for determining when the bulbs need changing and also measuring the specific lux levels at different depths would be very interesting. How much is the tester?
  20. Its for the baby and not you Dan
  21. Congrats Dan! and welcome to Fatherhood.. more siong than reefkeeping I tell you
  22. Need Ph/Kh/Ca of effluent
  23. What are the levels of CA/KH in the CR effluent? Flow rate of effluent? BPM of CO2? How much media do you have in the CR? Age of Media? Answer all these and maybe the guys here can help you better.
  24. Yup, kill them all (not the feather).. aiptasia will spread like wildfire if you have a lot of nutrients or particles/sediments in your water column and they worst part is that they have a aweful sting that WILL sting all other corals when they come in contact with the aiptasia.
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