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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. How big is your tank? How established are the present tangs in your FOWLR?
  2. With reasonable bioload/feeding, I am very sure it can handle it. What kinda tank are you aiming for?
  3. Not really. A good skimmer will keep your tank water quality/conditions pristine. Its not a matter of how much air, how tall, how wide. If your water quality is good enuff then the skimmer is good enuff. Simple. Also another good way to judge a skimmer's abilities is by feeding more. If you can feed a lot of nasty nutritional stuff to your tank but the water quality does not waver, dats an excellent skimmer. Its also about balance, having 2000L/hr of air and 6000L/hr of water injected into a 6 inch body aint gonna do too much good cos of the turbulence created etc etc. Just an example.
  4. No need to look at the workplace for politics (which can be justified up to a certain extent). Just look at this forum can already. Lots of politics and back-stabbing here and there.
  5. You want more mud? feed more lor.. feed 4-5x a day with very dirty foods and confirm your skimmer is even more 'powerful'. Judge the 'power' of the skimmer by the water quality in your tank and not the amount of skimmate. IMHO, thats a more significant way of measuring the performance. My 2cents!
  6. eAquanature should have stock for the Rowalith C+. ML carries them too i think
  7. Bro, if in doubt, remove it. That is what I also do to unknown crabs.
  8. OK Scarab, we will wait for your review on the 14kk BLV bulbs (after burn-in) 250w DE rite?
  9. Not True. the BLV 14kk has equivalent PAR I think.
  10. IanJ, has the red algae gone worst when you switched over to 14kk?
  11. For sensitive fishes like AT, its best if we buy it from VERY reputable LFS who we know will take proper care for them once they reach the shops. Some LFS will also train the fishes to feed on pellets which will greatly improve the survivability of the fishes.
  12. Ulva. Good food for the herbivours like Tangs etc.
  13. Nope, I have both the 6-line and yellow coris. Both are ok with SPS/LPS.
  14. Yup, its a must. You need the co2 to be bubbled into the CR to bring down the ph of the water in the chamber so that the media can dissolve. HTH
  15. What skimmer are you using? and how did you find out that its not 100% ozone proof?
  16. Papers cannot do anything lah, they are another arm of the garmen. Dunt bother.
  17. Unopened brand new book still in plastic wrapping. MarineDepot is selling it for US$78.90. Selling it for $120.00 (which is cheaper when u do the calculation for the exchange rate and also excluding the shipping charges) This volume is the latest is a series of 4 books which is considered as one of the bibles for Reekeeping. Collection at Pasir Ris. Photo:
  18. Nope, Rowa will not leech back what it has absorbed.
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