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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Can frogfish be mixed with lionfishes/eels/triggers etc etc? dat would be an awesome FOWLR..
  2. well? NPNT... post post... if really very good.. I got an A3 Color Laser printer to use for printing.. got laminator also...
  3. NPNT = No Picture No Talk Hopefully u understand now.. hehehehe
  4. It was just a reminder mah...
  5. Women also itch but they are more discreet and cleverer at hiding the 'stratching' from the men.
  6. Just make sure u never do this: wear a watch but forgot to wear dress hor...
  7. Try to mix some mysis with garlic and some without, then slowly cut over to the garlic soaked ones. Some fishes are blur and dunt recognize the garlic soaked mysis as food as the smell and color has changed.
  8. If so beautiful, its ok mah... let the guys print out posters and stick them on the walls lah.. keep them awake..
  9. Lizard, got take some pics with your handphone or not? post leh...
  10. Most are the result of one partying not controlling the itch very well and kena caught.
  11. Wah fierce. Did u show him the middle finger while u r horning?
  12. No worries on tasting a bit of saltwater lah. I drank a few litres in total from trying to start a siphon while doing water changes. No skill on ######, maybe the few lady reefers we have here can show us how to suck properly.. hehehe
  13. BH, thats cyano allrite. I had the exact same thing a few months ago.
  14. lots of them everywhere but nowadays better taste liao and higher standards...
  15. Very easy for ladies to get jobs mah especially with all the CKP bosses around. All the ladies need to do is flaunt.. Guys dunt have such priv.
  16. Always use RO/DI or distilled water for top-ups. Normal top-up water is laden with all sorts of stuff.
  17. Who si that chiobu in dat pic? If i have photos of that charboh pasted on my walls, confirm cannot sleep...
  18. Its the pump that is heating up the water. Water will not heat up siginificantly due to friction in the reaction chamber.
  19. Quite a number in my Office as well. some married , some not. Most just for the fun of it at the end of the day.
  20. Justiana also just do it and go home. no need to sleep. Point no.2 should be highly encouraged. In fact, should be carried over to daylight hours.. and made compulsory for the more endowed ones.. hehe
  21. Ya kun coffee does it for me nowdays. 80cents/cup
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