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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Too short and it will be too turbulent and it will lead to overflow too. Its all about balance.
  2. Very nice scaping! How long have u had dat huge table?
  3. Now not dosing anything apart from Zeobac/Food. Start2 is dosed 0.5ml every 3 days. Going to start dosing AAHC and PIF. Hopefully the colors will become more intense after a few weeks.
  4. Thanks Guys. Its just my humble tank. Cant beat the Gurus.
  5. Weileong, you referring to this table-top? Dunt know if its a hyacinthus or just an ordinary table acro
  6. Dunno if they are hychinthus or not. The top-most is a table acro which we bought last yr during the buy1get1free offer. My pink hyacinthus cannot be seen in dat photo cos its at the other side of the barrier.
  7. Weileong, stage 20 is just an exageration lah just to prove a point. So far, I have heard of only stage 4 which you have succeeded in establishing beautifully. Congrats on such a beautiful tank. 2 thumbs up My recent photo dunt have the hyacinthus wat.. which photo r u referring to?
  8. If your SPS is not brownish, then its all good! The macro algae will start to die off once your nutrients are eliminated. Do keep us up to date on your findings
  9. So the best way for sugar dosing is dose it once or twice to bring down NO3/PO4 and then stop?
  10. Photoperiod is now as follows: MH : 6 Hours T5 : 10 hours Have been running the above photoperiods for a few months now and corals have maintain the colors more or less. Heres to thinner electricity bills!
  11. Macro shots? Will try to get some today. Camera CMI...
  12. Danny, instead of using sugar to bring nitrates down, why dunt u subsitute it with zeostart? It will work beautifully with the whole basic zeovit method. You will see your no3 and po4 go down steadily instead of sudden decrease (slowly is surely better in terms of stability) Also, it doesnt matter about what phase you are in when it comes to zeovit. You might be in stage 1 now but things will surely improve once u progress correctly with the zeovit method. Follow the guide accurately and things will surely improve. However, do not go around boasting that u r in stage 20 etc etc if your corals are all brown or different shades of brown. Im using it for nearly a year now and things have never been better for my tank personally in my own eyes.
  13. Raise the MHs higher so that the spread is better. The T5s need to be at the same ht as the MHs so that they do not block the light from the MHs.
  14. Yup, all the T5s are with individual reflectors. My rockspace is directly in the middle of the tank so I guess i dunt have that problem like yours. At what ht above the waterlevel are u running the T5s and Mh?
  15. This is how the lights are now: =================T5=================== =================T5=================== MH MH MH =================T5=================== =================T5=================== Hope the diagram helps a bit.
  16. Latest pic of my tank (sorry for the lousy pic!) Cannot match the reefs from the seniors/masters and also EXPERTS! Im trying my best tho...
  17. Recently added 4 x 80w T5s to help balance off the 3 x 250w BLV 10kk. Photography skills still suck as evident from the above pic!
  18. Very long time never update this thread so here goes.. Overall Tank Shot in August:
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