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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Yup, its a lot better than other countries. True.
  2. To experience racism, you will need to belong in the minority race. Its true anywhere in the world including SG. Its just the way it works.
  3. Kole Tang remains small enuff for a 2ft cube.
  4. Here is the bulk-order link for CV: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=38774&hl=
  5. ok, lets start a bulk order in another thread and we will see how the response go.
  6. Mins, dunt worry. Im not into petty arguments..
  7. Andy, Cool down. What I meant was that its good that you admitted you made a mistake and that you were sorry about it. Actually racism is very common in SG. Its wide-spread and a fact of life here in the lovely island.
  8. Its ok, it just goes to show what kinda person and values you have. No worries.
  9. Dunno about if Im in stage 4 or not. Dunt think so.
  10. Nope, just read thru the posts everyday. very informative. Summore u r in Stage 4 so must learn from you
  11. Not really hard work. Its like siphoning the detritus that collects in the sump. Same concept. Main objective is to get the tank as clean as possible.
  12. I tot I saw u mentioned in zeovit.com that u already crossed the 1 year using zeovit? Maybe i read wrongly. Whoops!
  13. What dunt i know? The 'really' was in response to your statement that im the 5th locally in SG. I know the PO4 meter very good for measuring low po4 levels. dats why i bought it
  14. Go ask in zeovit.com, larger base of users there using spur2 and we have our Bob there too. I am sure he can hook u up with the spur2 dosing
  15. Who has a DSB? My Sandbed from the start is about 2 inches only and have been siphoning a bit at a time during the weekly(or so) water changes. Now left about 1 inch or so... You do know what a DSB is rite? I think weileong started first with the zeovit. I started on 22nd Sep 2004.
  16. really? wow.. I hope there is more to come especially with the exposure of the po4 meter in zeovit.com
  17. Not fat at all.. cannot fight your fishes one. You are the best at getting fishes to be pui-pui. power!
  18. Yup, can see from the pics that you have posted and also your signature shot. Lots of fishes too
  19. Cool! Im feeding using the autofeeder set at 2x a day. Once at 1400hrs and another at 1800hrs. Then 2x a week or so, they get 4 cubes of frozen stuff mixed with cyclopeeze.
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