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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Yup, hold hand steady and no photoshop!
  2. Yup, lying and cheating is definately better than posting old photos BTW, I just posted my SPS photo in this thread few pages back. Have u seen it or busy chatting on MSN? hehehehe
  3. Scarab, got anymore photos? no photoshop hor...
  4. No lah, thread starter already say he never use photoshop hor. Dunt anyhow say. Pls re-read page 1. Thanks
  5. Where is our David Blane? Really magic ah? can make himself dissapear also. Guys, should we create a similar thread in ReefCentral? there is quite a few scientist there that maybe can explain the phenomenon? when posting pics, must give due credit to the owners of the pics of course. Copyright stuff u know?
  6. Hot topic of the year. Mods can sticky the thread?
  7. Still potentially ah? hmmmm... where is the thread starter to explain how he got the colors in 4 days and also keep his camera steady for 4 days without moving? David Blaine can step down liao..
  8. Thanks Bro! Remember no photoshop hor. I named it the "KEIGO/ALANSEAH LE RAINBOW STAG". Cool name?
  9. Scarab, I borrowed yours lah. Anyone else want have the suns now apart from Alan who dunt photoshop any of his photos OBVIOUSLY.
  10. Sorry lah bro. Dunt be angry lah To stay on-topic, here is my tank without photoshop and also just using the 3 Suns which I borrowed from Scarab. Thanks Dude!
  11. Sorry Sorry... Wont off-topic liao. We shall all await the secrets from Alan.
  12. Thanks. Maybe weileong can learn from you too.. he seems very bent on siding with Alan and shifting the focus to me. WL, thanks! but dunt wanna be in the spotlight ok bro?
  13. Whats composite and overlay? Blur liao.. You should speak to my colleague who is a graphics artist/web page designer. He helped me edit the 'glowing from inside' photo. You want to learn from him? I can give u his email on PM.
  14. Scarab, 3 suns and no photoshop? Amazing colors u have there. R u an expert too?
  15. Not expert. Very novice in photoshop. Must learn from Alanseah as demonstrated...
  16. Hahahaha... never answer the accusation of you lying and trying to cheat ppl and instead you go off ranting about totally irrelevant things? Mann... Stop ranting and admit that u edited the photos and lied/cheat. Can? I really dunno how you going to post any further thing in this forum without being laughed at. In case the statement 'and worst of all someone dont have hanna still dare go lie here and there.. ' is meant for me. Here you go:
  17. Congrats in advance. Do you have any idea how many bottles needed to break the record?
  18. Must wait for the first person on planet Earth to attain stage 5 to answer lor... lets wait...
  19. No need to think so much. Just enjoy the hobby can liao.
  20. Sorry ah, my english not very good. Didnt understand you the first time round. Now I understand.
  21. What he meant was under house lights only like what Weileong did. Let not sidetrack the tread lah. Im sure a lot of ppl are waiting for Alanseah to tell us the secret of the amazing coloration and super steady hands.
  22. If you want, you can stop posting. Thanks for the compliments Will post the pics during the weekend if im free.
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