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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. Purpose was to explain to BH on how the diffused light souce would cast the same shadow any time of the day and even if he shifted positions.
  2. ok, he can get down from above the tank and then retake the same picture 4 days later in exactly the same position and angle. Mind exploring how the SPS coloured up so distintively in 4 days pls? We really wanna know...
  3. Pls see thread starter's defender reply:
  4. Good one 35cents! Finally the secret is out?
  5. The shadow will still be there cos he took both pics at the same exact time in the day and position without moving a single inch mah... didnt u get it for the past few pages? Weileong already explained to Scarab mah
  6. Strange. IanJ has posted a thread about his 14kk MH but I cant recall if his is magnetic or e-ballast. I assume that the water quality for the both of you are top-notch with no yellowing etc etc rite?
  7. I would do a 1-2 combo of Vitamin C and Beta Glucan.
  8. Its the patent pending '4 day color-up while standing perfectly still' method. Clarification needed: Is the 3 suns necessary?
  9. Thread starter maybe MSNing buddy on what to do/say ala Master of puppets - Metallica... Hope we can continue to learn from the expert... dunt shy shy leh thread starter?
  10. You going to put Live Rocks rite? IF so, jsut fill the tank up with saltwater of salinity about 1.025 and run the return pump and let the tank cycle for a few weeks. Switching on the skimmer is an option. You can switch it on or off. Works both ways and its really up to you if you want to switch it on or off. You dunt need lights to be switched on during cycling. The way to test if your tank has cycled is by measuring Ammonia,Nitrite and Nitrate using a reputable testkit like Salifert. Once the levels show 0 for Ammonia and 0 for nitrate, you can consider the tank cycled. After you reached this stage, its advisable to wait it out for another week to let things stabilised. You should do a major water change first and start doing weekly 10% water changes if possible too. Hope that helps
  11. Anyway, hope the thread starter will be more generous today and share with the world on how he manged to color up the corals in 4 days while standing at the same exact position. Looking forward to it. Groundbreaking!
  12. Its not my theory. I dunt understand what he is saying. Something to do with the way the camera encodes the pic. Compression is not perfect and no 2 pics have the same inaccuracies and inefficiency in encoding and compression. Not visible in the photos so how to point out? I think you are thinking about artifacts in the pic itself rite? dats not the case here. its in the algorithm of the camera. Like i said, i didnt understand 3/4 of what he was trying to tell me. Will get more details from him once he gets online later tonite. Stay tuned! This is definately going to be thread of the year.
  13. ckevin, pic taken under sunlight only and no photoshop also? You must have been using the same sun the thread starter is using.
  14. How are the Darts in your opinion? issit noisy or vitually silent?
  15. Good Job dude! Very organised and well-thought out. Looking forward to see the progress of the tank.
  16. Ok, last nite while we were waiting for thread starter to tell us the secrets in 4 day coloration, I was chatting at the same time to my ex-colleague who now works with the NewYork Mayor's office in the Electronic security/digital fraud team. I forwarded the 2 pics and he swears thatthe 2 pics are exactly the same pic. He went on and on about digital artifacts in encoding etc etc which is like a digital fingerprint , i didnt get 3/4 of what he was trying to tell me. This is the clincher, when I told him that in fact the photos were taken at least 4 days apart, he was very impressed to a point of being disbelieving and called me a lier. He says that if the 2 photos are different but manipulated to give the same layout/look/image, then what we have here beats anything they have in NSA. He also wanted the thread owner to join them as a digital forensic expert since no one else in the world can take 2 photos with the same exact digital artifacts. I didnt know Singapore so advanced that a home-user with a digital camera is better equiped than the NSA. POWER!
  17. You forgot how Scarab was generous enuff to offer his 3 suns to us ir order to get amazing coloration for the corals too while we wait for the thread started to come out and explain how he got such wonderful colors in 3 days and how he tahan standing atthe same spot for 4 days without moving an inch.
  18. but this barracuda is really smart... who else can do such amazing coloration in 4 days? Maybe he and his very close buddy only..
  19. Can throw in magic corals also? http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=39018
  20. Do you think the secret will ever be told? Vodka? no chiller just fans? i still remember the experts tips....wonder what secrets he has... hopefully he is kind enuff to teach. I think this thread is worthy of a special mention in everyone's signature. Full of Info and cutting edge stuff.
  21. issit? ok. thanks... im learning so much from this thread.
  22. Know what? asking you to teach mah...how to take perfect shots days apart?
  23. Nope. newbie to photoshop. Can explain for the rest of the dudes here? We all wanna take pics with such amazing accurary days apart. No shift in vertical/horizontal position or even angle for the shot taken in terms of skew etc etc. Can teach?
  24. but 2 pics 4 days or more apart and still pixel perfect in comparison? not even 0.01mm shift between photos considering its 700 pixels wide?
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