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Everything posted by AlfaRomeo

  1. so what do you suggest i do about the LR resting on the glass? I dunt want the LR on the sand due to the possibility of rock tumbles. Any compromise?
  2. Ok, thanks for the advise. Will get the tank and all he equipment ready first before i get the LR then. Do you know where i can get those white #1 sand in quantity? Planning to structure my LR then pour about 2 inches on sand around the rocks. Dunt think i will be going for the DSB cos the horror stories of crashes etc etc. Will get a denitrifyer if needed instead.
  3. going for Reef tank.. Any suggestions?
  4. Will be getting my 6Ft tank in the mid of october i guess... so have to select LR and let it cure for a while. What would the alternative to buying 80kg of Fiji Rocks?
  5. Where you staying? Me in the east :-) Transport wont be an Issue if you are willing to spend the time :-) Do they deliver the LR to our home cos 80kg , i am sure cant fit in the boot :-)
  6. Will be buying the LR prob end of the month or so, any volunteers to go with me so that i wont be conned? hehehe
  7. From what i have read so far, its about $50 per shroom?
  8. Do you think that CF deals is good Quality Fiji LR or just the lower grades?
  9. Wow, at $16/kg... 80kg would be $1280!!!!!
  10. Hi Guys, in CF got sell LR for $16/kg and according to them its Fiji LR. Issit worth it and is it really Fiji LR that they are selling? How much mould i need roughly to create a twin tower effect in a 6 ft tank?
  11. Hi Guys, in CF got sell LR for $16/kg and according to them its Fiji LR. issit worth it and is it really Fiji LR that they are selling?
  12. Hiya Guys, Any of you using these bulbs? Care to share your experience and comments on these lights pls? thanks
  13. Correction: Cut 3% from employers only lah... Quantum subjected to CPF will decrese from current $6000 to $4.5k at $500 per yr
  14. Is the T1.25HP reliable, efficient and quiet in operation?
  15. Which you you guys recommend? the Teco RA680 or the Titanium Chiller T1.25HP? in terms of reliablility and quietness pls? thanks
  16. Thanks all, wow that will further burn a hole in my not-so-deep pockets. Any Idea about the running cost for a 1.25Hp chiller?
  17. Hiya All, Need some kind advise from the experts here: Which Chiller should I be getting for my 6ftx2.5ftx2ft with 4ft sump with (3x150W MH and 2 x 56w as lighting) and 2 streams in the main tank too? And whats the ideal pump/flow rate thru the chiller pls? thanks for the help. :-)
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